


2019年07月31日 | 爺英語
France's Senate has approved a tax on big technology firms, raising the possibility of a new trade dispute with the United States.
The three percent levy approved on Thursday will apply to revenue earned in France through digital services. Businesses with annual sales of more than 845 million dollars worldwide and over 28 million dollars in France will have to pay the tax.
This includes tech giants, such as Google, Apple, and Facebook. The French government estimates the duty will bring in about 450 million dollars this year.
Earlier this week, the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump ordered an investigation into the tax based on Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act. It says the levy will unfairly target U.S. companies and suggested possible retaliatory tariffs on French products.
French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said before the tax vote France and the U.S. should solve their disputes not by threats but in other ways.
levy 課税  an additional sum of money, usually paid as a tax  
bring in 生じさせる    
retaliatory tariff 報復関税 

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/31)

2019年07月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
23816.Meiji Era (明治時代 ) 
He wrote the first modern Japanese dictionary called "Genkai" in the Meiji Era.
23817.drip to let liquid fall in drops 
The water always drips from the umbrellas  onto the floor
23818.can't be helped (仕方がない )
It can't be helped.
23819.take all the credit(手柄を独り占めにする) 
Our leader likes to take all the credit for out team's achievements.
23820.up to(~まで)
We can take up to 500 guests.

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徒然草 第五段

2019年07月30日 | Daily Vocabulary






Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/30)

2019年07月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
23811.trap to prevent someone from escaping from somewhere, especially a dangerous place 
And they trapped you in that book so that you wouldn't stop them, right?
23812.extend to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something last longer 
Would you like to extend your trip?
23813.expand to become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larger → expansion OPP contract 
Our aim is to expand our chain of restaurant across Japan.
23814.spread if something spreads or is spread, it becomes larger or moves so that it affects more people or a larger area 
News spreads really fast through social media.
23815.temperature(度、気温、体温、高熱、発熱状態 ) a measure of how hot or cold a place or thing is 
The doctor took my temperature..

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/29)

2019年07月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
23806.Sorry, I can't make it (すみません、行けません  )
Sorry, I can't make it tonight. I'm working late.
23807. I'll pass (遠慮しておきます )
I think I'll pass this time. I have to wake up early tomorrow.
23808.Sorry I'm afraid I can't (残念ながら行けません  )
Sorry I'm afraid I can't. I'll be on a business trip.
23809.I'd love to _____ but _____ (そうしたいの山々ですが )
 I'd love to stay and chat a little more but I have to get going.
23810.Due to a prior commitment (先約があるので行けません )
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the conference due to a prior commitment 

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/28)

2019年07月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
23801.turn in (提出する  ) someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet 
Make sure you turn in the report by tomorrow. 
23802.garbled (文字化け )a garbled statement or report is very unclear and confusing SYN confused 
I couldn't read your email because the characters were garbled.
23803.rusty(下手になる、 腕が鈍る  ) if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time 
I thought you were going to be rusty but you haven't lost your touch at all. 
23804.have a sale (お店がセールを開催中 ) 
Gap is having a clearance sale. Everything is 40 % off. 
23805.on sale (特定の商品のみセール中 )available to be bought in a shop 
Steaks are on sale at the grocery store this week. 

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日日是好日―「お茶」が教えてくれた15のしあわせ (新潮文庫)

2019年07月27日 | 読書日記
「人生のバイブル! 」
来場者数100万人突破! 大ヒット映画『日日是好日』原作
出演:黒木華、樹木希林、多部未華子、鶴田真由、鶴見辰吾 ほか
序章 茶人という生きもの
第一章 「自分は何も知らない」ということを知る
第二章 頭で考えようとしないこと
第三章 「今」に気持ちを集中すること
第四章 見て感じること
第五章 たくさんの「本物」を見ること
第六章 季節を味わうこと
第七章 五感で自然とつながること
第八章 今、ここにいること
第九章 自然に身を任せ、時を過ごすこと
第十章 このままでよい、ということ
第十一章 別れは必ずやってくること
第十二章 自分の内側に耳をすますこと
第十三章 雨の日は、雨を聴くこと
第十四章 成長を待つこと
第十五章 長い目で今を生きること
解説 柳家小三治






Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/27)

2019年07月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
23796.Besides (それに 加えて  ) spoken used when adding another reason 
Besides basketball, I play baseball and soccer.
23797.except (~を除いて )in a way that improves the situation 
Except Tim, we are all in our 20's.
23798.mess (おたまじゃくし )if there is a mess somewhere or a place is a mess, things there are dirty or not neatly arranged 
He's addicted to drinking . His life is a complete mess.
23799.mixed up (ぐちゃぐちゃ / ごちゃ混ぜ ) confused, for example because you have too many different details to remember or think about 
I'm so sorry. I totally got the dates mixed up. I thought our meeting was next Monday. 
23800.splurge (贅沢する、散財する )to spend more money than you can usually afford SYN splash out 
I'm in the mood to splurge. Let's hit the mall.

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/26)

2019年07月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
23791.give someone a ring (電話をする  )
I’ll give you a ring when I get there. 
23792.hand out (配る )to give something to each person in a group SYN distribute  
Let's go to the station and hand out some fliers.
23793.handout (資料、印刷物  )a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson, meeting etc 
Does everybody have the handouts?
23794.back to square one (一からやり直し / 振り出しに戻る / 一から出直す ) impossible or unable to move from a particular position 
It's not working. Let's go back to square one.
23795.back to the drawing board (最初からやり直す )
Let's go back to the drawing board.

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/25)

2019年07月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
23786.under-the-table (不法な  )informal money that is paid under the table is paid secretly and illegally 
I thought you couldn’t work with a student visa. Are you getting paid under-the-table? 
23787. slack off (怠ける )
I haven’t been working out lately. I’ve been slacking off.
23788.extra hands (手助け  )someone who helps you do something when you are busy 
I think I’ll need extra hands to help me move tomorrow.
23789.make money off (〜でお金を稼ぐ )
How do you make money off YouTube? Do you make it off advertisements? 
23790.give someone a call (電話をする )
I’ll have Mike give you a call when he gets in.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年07月24日 | 爺英語

Sony is marking 40 years since the launch of its Walkman line of portable music players that revolutionized the way people listen to music. Now, the company has opened an exhibit in Tokyo's Ginza with more than 200 modelson display. The Japanese electronics maker has sold more than 400 million Walkmans worldwide.
The first Walkman music-cassette player went on the market on July 1, 1979. The handy gadget became enormously popular in Japan and overseas as it allowed people to enjoy music on the move.
Sony released the CD Walkman in 1984, helping boost the popularity of music on compact discs. It was followed by the MD, or MiniDisc, Walkman in the early 1990s.
Sony then ran into severe competition from Apple's iPod and music-playing smartphones. Sony is trying to push back with its series of high-resolution audio players.
run intoに突入する、ぶつかる to start to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation 
push back押し返す、巻き返す   

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/24)

2019年07月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
23781.I'm curious about (〜に興味をそそられる・〜に心引かれる ) 
I'm curious about his question.
23782.tough break (不運 )in a way that improves the situation 
He had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
23783. What inspired you to (きっかけは何でしたか?  )having very exciting special qualities that are better than anyone or anything else 
What inspired you to study English?
23784.What brought you to (に来るきっかけは何でしたか? )
What brought you to Tokyo? 
23785.How did you get into (実行する)
How did you get into running?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News