豊洲新市場予定地における環境確保条例第117条に基づく調査の 実施状況の公開について | ||||||||||||
平成21年4月28日 東京都中央卸売市場 | ||||||||||||
東京都では、豊洲新市場予定地において、環境確保条例第117条に基づき、本年1月から土壌ボーリング調査を実施しています。 記
豊洲新市場予定地における環境確保条例第117条に基づく調査の 実施状況の公開について | ||||||||||||
平成21年4月28日 東京都中央卸売市場 | ||||||||||||
東京都では、豊洲新市場予定地において、環境確保条例第117条に基づき、本年1月から土壌ボーリング調査を実施しています。 記
前のブログでお伝えした内容(【新型インフル UP DATE 6】)が、私たちがとるべき行動ですが、それをわかりやすい形で書いている記事を見つけましたので、転載します。
◆備 蓄
◆豚 肉
【新型インフル UP DATE 6】に記載する情報は、転載の形をとっています。中央区の中での実際の行動のあり方に関する情報は、情報の内容を中央区及び中央区保健所に一元化を図りたいため、そのままの転載をしており、付け加え、訂正、削除は一切行っておりません。
(1) 渡航中の注意
(2) 帰国時の注意
3 感染例が報告された国や地域にご家族等が滞在されている場合
(1) 十分な水・食糧の備蓄を行い、不要不急の外出は控えてください。
(2) 外出する際は人混みを避けるとともに、セキやくしゃみ等による感染を防ぐためマスクを着用してください。
(3) 積極的に手洗いやうがいを行ってください。
(4) 発熱やセキなどインフルエンザと似た症状がみられた場合には、迷わず現地の医療機関の診療を受けてください。
ホームページアドレス http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/
4 新型インフルエンザの症状と予防について
5 豚肉を食べて感染する?
食品安全委員会ホームページアドレス http://www.fsc.go.jp/
6 個人でできる対策
「新型インフルエンザ発生時に個人でできる対策」チラシ 34KB
Swine influenza frequently asked questions
27 April 2009
• What is swine influenza?
• What are the implications for human health?
• Where have human cases occurred?
• How do people become infected?
• Is it safe to eat pork meat and products?
• What about the pandemic risk?
• Is there a human vaccine to protect swine influenza?
• What drugs are available for treatment?
• What should I do if I am in regular contact with pigs?
• How can I protect myself from getting swine influenza from infected people?
• What should I do if I think I have swine influenza?
What is swine influenza?豚インフルエンザって、何ですか?
Swine influenza, or “swine flu”, is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease of pigs,
caused by one of several swine influenza A viruses. Morbidity tends to be high and
mortality low (1-4%). The virus is spread among pigs by aerosols, direct and indirect
contact, and asymptomatic carrier pigs. Outbreaks in pigs occur year round, with an
increased incidence in the fall and winter in temperate zones. Many countries routinely
vaccinate swine populations against swine influenza.
Swine influenza viruses are most commonly of the H1N1 subtype, but other subtypes are
also circulating in pigs (e.g., H1N2, H3N1, H3N2). Pigs can also be infected with avian
influenza viruses and human seasonal influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses.
The H3N2 swine virus was thought to have been originally introduced into pigs by
humans. Sometimes pigs can be infected with more than one virus type at a time, which
can allow the genes from these viruses to mix. This can result in an influenza virus
containing genes from a number of sources, called a "reassortant" virus. Although swine
influenza viruses are normally species specific and only infect pigs, they do sometimes
cross the species barrier to cause disease in humans.
What are the implications for human health?(人にどのような脅威があるのですか?)
Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally
reported. Generally clinical symptoms are similar to seasonal influenza but reported
clinical presentation ranges broadly from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia
resulting in death.(無症状から肺炎による死まで、幅のある症状)
Since typical clinical presentation of swine influenza infection in humans resembles
seasonal influenza and other acute upper respiratory tract infections, most of the cases
have been detected by chance through seasonal influenza surveillance. Mild or
asymptomatic cases may have escaped from recognition; therefore the true extent of this
disease among humans is unknown.
Where have human cases occurred?(ヒトに感染した事例は?)
Since the implementation of IHR(2005)1 in 2007, WHO has been notified of swine
influenza cases from the United States and Spain.
How do people become infected?(ヒトにどのように感染するの?)
People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs, however, some human cases lack
contact history with pigs or environments where pigs have been located. Human-tohuman
transmission has occurred in some instances but was limited to close contacts and
closed groups of people.
Is it safe to eat pork and pork products?(豚肉を食べても大丈夫?)
Yes. (大丈夫です。)Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating
properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The
swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 160;F/70;C, corresponding
to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
Which countries have been affected by outbreaks in pigs?(感染拡大は、どの国で起こっているの?)
Swine influenza is not notifiable to international animal health authorities (OIE,
www.oie.int), therefore its international distribution in animals is not well known. The
disease is considered endemic in the United States. Outbreaks in pigs are also known to
have occurred in North America, South America, Europe (including the UK, Sweden,
and Italy), Africa (Kenya), and in parts of eastern Asia including China and Japan.
What about the pandemic risk?(パンデミックのリスクは?)
It is likely that most of people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs,
do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection. If a
1 International Health Regulation (2005) http://www.who.int/ihr/about/en/
swine virus establishes efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza
pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it
depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by
antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host factors.
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?(豚インフルエンザに対するワクチンはあるの?)
There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in
humans. (今流行中の豚インフルエンザに対するワクチンはありません。)It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide
any protection. Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a
vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection
to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible
in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.
What drugs are available for treatment?(治療薬は?)
There are two classes of such medicines,
1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine),
and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
Most of the previously reported swine influenza cases recovered fully from the disease
without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Some influenza viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the
effectiveness of treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine
influenza in the United States are sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to
amantadine and remantadine.(オセルタミビル(製品名タミフル)やザナミビル(製品名リレンザ)は効くようだ。アマンタジン(製品名シンメトレル)やremantadine(日本には無い)は、効果が無い。)
Information is insufficient to make recommendation on the use of the antivirals in
treatment of swine influenza virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on
the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the treatment of the
patients. For the ongoing outbreak of the swine influenza infection in the United States
and Mexico, the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or
zanamivir for treatment of the disease based on the virus’s susceptibility profile.