

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/21)

2024年08月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32786.It’s/That’s so kind of you (親切にして頂き恐縮です)
Oh, that’s so kind of you. Thank you so much! 
32787.Can you give me a better price? (まけてくれへん?)
That's a little pricey. Can you lower the price? 
32788.get over something/someone(立ち直る)to begin to feel better after a very upsetting experience 
 You're still dwelling on that? Get over it
32789.move on  (前に進む)
 There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's forget about what happened and move on
32790.cost an arm and a leg (費用がかさむ、高くつく) a費用がかさむ / 高くつく 
Going to college in the US really costs an arm and a leg

