

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/09)

2025年02月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32636.light bulb (電球)the glass object inside a lamp that produces light and has to be replaced regularly 類義語 bulb 
Change the lightbulb when it burns out and goes dark. 
32637.linguistics (言語学)the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history 
Linguistics is the study of natural language 
32638.lionessa female lion 
The lioness is drinking water. 
32639.lorry  a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods 類義語 truck 
Your furniture will be delivered on a lorry in the morning.
32640.lounge  a waiting room at an airport /a public room in a hotel or other building, that is used by many people as a place to relax 
The lounge had a small band with a female singer. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/08)

2025年02月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
32631.housewife a married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning etc, but does not have a job outside the house 類義語 homemaker, → house husband 
The hardest worker anywhere is the housewife.
32632.inchworm (シャクトリムシ )
The green inchworm is crawling on the wooden fence 
32633.itinerary a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey 
Your itinerary will tell you where to be at what time. 
32634.jaguar a large South American wild cat with brown and yellow fur with black spots 
The jaguar is hunting for food 
32635.ladybug a small round beetle (=a type of insect) that is usually red with black spots 
The ladybugs are climbing down the branch. 

高橋さつき 道中馬方節

2025年02月07日 | 日本民謡
高橋さつき 道中馬方節

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/07)

2025年02月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
32626.deadly(死にかかわる、致命的な)likely to cause death 類義語 letha 
Sometimes  continue to work on a cure for the deadly disease..
32627.urine(尿)the yellow liquid waste that comes out of the body from the bladder 
Besides blood, urine can also reveal a lot about a person’s health.
32628.saliva(唾液) the liquid that is produced naturally in your mouth 類義語 spit 
Our dog left saliva on my favorite chair..
32629.initiate (開始する、仲間入りさせる) to arrange for something important to start, such as an official process or a new plan 
The countries are ready to initiate the peace process.
32630.evolve (進化する、徐々に発展する ) if an animal or plant evolves, it changes gradually over a long period of time → evolution 
We have to evolve if we want to survive as a company..


2025年02月06日 | 美しき日本の歌

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/06)

2025年02月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32621.make a sour face (不快感を表す、嫌な顔をする
Hey, why are you making a sour face
32622.mounch on(むしゃむしゃ食べる)to eat something noisily 
We should get something to munch on over drinks.
32623.devour(貪り食べる) to eat something quickly because you are very hungry 
I devoured that burger in about 10 seconds.
32624.hazard  (危険、危険な要因)something that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or problems 
Smoking is a hazard to your health.
32625.jeopardy (危険 )in danger of being lost or harmed 
Bob did something that might put his career to in jeopardy.


2025年02月05日 | 爺英語

An international team led by a Japanese researcher says it has developed a new type of plastic that breaks down in seawater. It says the material is durable and recyclable and can help reduce pollution by keeping microplastics out of the oceans. Aida Takuzo at the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science heads the team. It published its results in the U.S. journal Science on Friday. The researchers sought to develop a material to replace conventional plastics made from fossil fuels. They say their new type of plastic is colorless and transparent and has the same strength and thermal resistance as polypropylene. They call the new material supramolecular plastic – “polymers with structures held together by reversible interactions.” They made the substance by combining two ionic monomers, one of which is a common food additive. The plastic's main ingredients can both be broken down by bacteria.

 ◆fossil fuel  化石燃料     a fuel such as coal or oil that is produced by the     very  gradual decaying of animals or plants over millions of years 
 thermal resistance 耐熱性 
 polypropylene. ポリマー、高分子化合物、重合体  

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/05)

2025年02月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
32616.go about (取り組む) to start to do 
She goes about her work with great attention to detail.
32617.comes down to (結局は〜だ ) if a complicated situation or problem comes down to something, that is the single most important thing 
Staying healthy comes down to regular exercise and a balanced diet. 
32618.the way to go (~がベストだ )
Eating a hot pot on a cold day is the way to go.
32619. (be) Wired (~な性質を持っている )
I’m wired to wake up early. It’s just how I’ve always been. 
32620.stingy  (渋い、ケチ )not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean 
He is so stingy! He didn't buy me a present for my birthday. .

黒崎~箱の浦 2

2025年02月04日 | 土佐日記




Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/04)

2025年02月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32611.in the bag (成功や契約などが)確実である・間違いない)certain to be won or achieved 
The Giants are up by 6 runs in the bottom of the ninth? This game is in the bag
32612.stay safe ((風邪や事故に)気を付けて )
The flu is going around. So stay safe
32613.cut down on (~を減らす、~を節約する ) to eat, drink, or use less of something, especially in order to improve your health 
Cut down on fatty foods if you want to lose weight. 
32614.have a soft spot for (甘いものに目がない、 甘いものに弱い )
You know I have a soft spot for cheese cakes. Of course, I'll take one. 
32615.sugar high  ((甘いものを摂取した後の一時的な)興奮状態 )to seem likely to happen in the future
You're going to be on a sugar high if you eat all that chocolate. 


2025年02月03日 | JET STREAM

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/03)

2025年02月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
32606.Age is just a number.  (年齢は関係ないよ )
Age is just a number. Maturity is what really matters. 
32607.(be) on cloud nine (至福の状態(である) ) to be very happy about something 
I'm on cloud nine because I landed my dream job. 
32608.(be) in seventh heaven  (幸福の絶頂(にいる) )to be extremely happy 
This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven. 
32609.solid (しっかりした / 素晴らしい )
Your English is solid. Did you study abroad?
32610.Get/Have/Feel butterflies in one's stomach (緊張する / ハラハラする / そわそわする  )to feel very nervous before doing something 
I always get butterflies before an exam. .

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/02)

2025年02月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
32601.giraffe (キリン)a tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown fur 
The zoo visitors are watching the giraffe
32602.gnat (ブヨ、ヌカカ、イエカ、小事 )a small flying insect that bites 
The gnat is a tiny, blood sucking, flying pest. 
32603.go with (合う)to often exist with something else or be related to something else 
A cold glass of beer goes great with pizza 
32604.gymnastics (体育、体操 ) a sport involving physical exercises and movements that need skill, strength, and control, and that are often performed in competitions 
The girl is doing gymnastics 
32605.hold onto the handrail (手すりに摑まる )a long bar that is fixed to a wall for people to hold while they walk up or down stairs 
Please hold on to the handrail while the vehicle is in motion. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/01)

2025年02月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
32596.greenery(緑樹、草木 )green leaves and plants 
I think some greenery would brighten up the hospital .
32597.greenthumb(園芸の才能)slow and unwilling OPP willing
Your garden is amazing. You have quite green thumb.
32598.stagnation(よどみ、沈滞、停滞、不振、不景気 ) to stop developing or making progress 
After long period of stagnation, the economy is starting to pick up again.
32599.sluggish(動きののろい、ゆるやかな、機能の鈍い、不活発な、不振な、不景気な、怠ける、怠惰な )to be important or valuable
Export have been sluggish, since the trade war began.
32600.standstill (停止、休止、行き詰まり )a situation in which there is no movement or activity at all 
Traffic is at a standstill on  the Meiji Expressway

りんご節(青森県民謡)Ringo Bushi(Japanese Folk Song)【Apple melody】

2025年01月31日 | 日本民謡
りんご節(青森県民謡)Ringo Bushi(Japanese Folk Song)【Apple melody】