

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/30)

2025年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32881.rise up(立ち上がる、湧き上がる) 
Do you thinkk robots will rise up against humanbeing someday?.  
32882.uprising(反乱、暴動 )an attempt by a group of people to change the government, laws etc in an area or country 類義語 rebellion 
 The president went into hiding as the uprising gained momentum. 
32883.pour out(注ぎ出す、流れ出る、吐露する )if you pour out your thoughts, feelings etc, you tell someone all about them, especially because you feel very unhappy 
It felt so good to finally pour out all my frustration. 
32884.outpouring(ほとばしり、流失the regular paid work that you do for an employer  / something that you are responsible for doing 
Nursing isn't just a job; it's a way of life. 
32885.zen(落ち着いて動じない ) 
l think of fishing as a very zen hobby.

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/29)

2025年03月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
32876.set the tone for (基調を作る;方向を打ち出す;方針を打ち出す) 
A head coach has to set the tone for the team. 
 Can you undo our being here?
32878.surreal(超現実的なa situation or experience that is surreal is very strange and difficult to understand, like something from a dream 
Seeing my childhood with other people livingin in it was a surreal experience. 
32879.surrender(明け渡す、降参する the regular paid work that you do for an employer  / something that you are responsible for doing 
When did hojo ujimasa surrender to Toyotomi HIdeyoshi? 
32880.think better of(考え直してやめる、見直す ) to not do something that you had planned to do, because you realize that it is not a good idea 
I was going to call my ex-girlfriend, but I thought better of it.

北区文化祭民踊舞踊大会  南部盆唄  友千会B

2025年03月28日 | 日本民謡
北区文化祭民踊舞踊大会  南部盆唄  友千会B

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/28)

2025年03月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32871.give a tour of(~を案内する) 
You’re the new hire, right?  I'll give you a tour of the office.  
32872.staple(ホチキスの針)a small piece of thin wire that is pushed into sheets of paper and bent over to hold them together  
 Hand me that stapler, would you?Mine’s out of staples.
32873.make soneone's acquaintance(人と知り合いになる)someone you know, but who is not a close friend 
It’s a pleasure to make you acquiatance, sir.
32874.well-acquainted (よく知っているif you are acquainted with someone, you have met them a few times but do not know them very well 
We are well-acquainted
32875.assertive(断言的な、言い張る、独断的な、断定的な,自己主張が強い  )behaving in a confident way, so that people notice you 
The course helps women learn how to be more assertive in the workplace 


2025年03月27日 | 美しき日本の歌

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/27)

2025年03月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32866.layover(乗り継ぎ) American English a short stay between parts of a journey, especially a long plane journey 類義語 stopover British English 
Do you have a layover somewhere?
32867.transit(短い時間の乗り継ぎ )
 I need to transit in Seatle. 
32868.out of season(季節外れ)tvegetables and fruit that are in season are cheap and easily available because it is the time of year when they are ready to eat. If they are out of season, they are expensive or not available 
It’s a bit out of season for pumpkin pie, isn't it?
32869.get in line(列に並ぶ
OK,Let't get in line.You've got everything you need, right?
32870.bring~around(~を持ってくる ) 
Wait righty there, OK? I'll bring the car around.


2025年03月26日 | 爺英語

Shareholders of U.S. tech giant Apple have rejected a proposal to scrap the company's diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Many American companies have been reviewing their DEI initiatives following criticism by President Donald Trump. A conservative think tank submitted a shareholder proposal to terminate the programs to an Apple online meeting on Tuesday. It said that DEI poses “litigation, reputational, and financial” risks to companies. Apple's board issued a statement recommending shareholders reject the proposal as unnecessary because the company has a well-established compliance program. It said the proposal “inappropriately attempts to restrict” Apple from managing its own operations and business strategies. The proposal was later voted down. U.S. media quoted Apple CEO Tim Cook as saying the company's strength lay in people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives coming together to innovate and “create something magical.”
 ◆inclusion 包摂性    the act of including someone or something in a larger group or set, or the fact of being included in one 
 terminate 終わらせる、終了させる、打ち切る     formal if something terminates, or if you terminate it, it ends 類義語 end 
 ◆litigation 訴訟   law the process of taking claims to a court of law 
 ◆voted down 採決の結果、否決する   


Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/26)

2025年03月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32861.cute(かわいい、赤ちゃんや子犬など小さいもの) very pretty or attractive 
What a cute puppy!  
32862.charming(魅力的 )very pleasing or attractive 
 Your smiling is charming.
32863.pretty(奇麗)fairly or more than a little 
These flowers are pretty
32864.adorable(愛らしいsomeone or something that is adorable is so attractive that they fill you with feelings of love 
Your baby is adorable
32865.sweet(かわいらしい) especially British English looking pretty and attractive 類義語 cute 
Your child is sweet. 

住吉 4

2025年03月25日 | 土佐日記




Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/25)

2025年03月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32856.shape up(伸びる、発展する、向上する、上達する、発達する )  to improve your behaviour or work 
My father always tells me to shape up and do something good. 
32857.forgot something (忘れ物をする)the most basic and important quality of something 
Please take care not to forget anything
32858.hectic very busy or full of activity 
I had a hectic day today. I had to deal with customer complaints all day. 
32859.swamped (忙殺されている  to suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal with 類義語 inundate 
I’m swamped with work right now. I’ll call you back later. 
32860.tied up ((忙しくて)手が離せない・〜に拘束されている  ) a to be very busy, so that you cannot do anything else 
She’s tied up in a meeting at the moment. May I ask what this call is about?


2025年03月24日 | JET STREAM

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/24)

2025年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32851.toss around (話し合う ) 
There are a few ideas I want to run by you. Can we toss them around later?  
32852.follow through(最後までやり通す、守り抜く  )to do what needs to be done to complete something or make it successful /to continue moving your arm after you have hit the ball in tennis, golf etc → follow-through 
I started a diet, but I need to follow through and stick to it. 
32853.considerate (気遣い・気を使う・思いやり talways thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them OPP inconsiderate 
You need to be more considerate of others . 
32854.Oh well (仕方がない、しょうがない )
We just missed the bus. Oh well, we’ll just have to wait for the next one. 
32855.who else(他に誰が) a job or profession  
Who else has any questions?  

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/23)

2025年03月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32846.party animal(パーティが大好きな人) someone who enjoys going to parties and drinking a lot of alcohol, and behaving in a loud and often rude way 
He seemed like a real party animal.  
32847.be down for(~にとても乗り気で・賛成で )
 He'd be down for that, I'm sure.. 
32848.acquired taste(ゆっくり獲得される・好きになる味)something that people only begin to like after they have tried it a few times→ acquire 
For some people it's an acquired taste
32849.open to(~を受け入れる
I'm totally open to other suggestions, though. 
32850.attain enlightenment (悟りを開く)
Buddhism teaches that we can attain enlightenment through mindfulness and meditation 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/22)

2025年03月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32841.There’s a problem with(~に問題があります) 
There’s a problem with the shower.  
32842.It's your call(あなたが選んでね )
 Where do you want to eat lunch? I'll eat anything, so it's your call
32843.epic(素晴らしい、最高の)a book, poem, or film that tells a long story about brave actions and exciting events 
That's totally epic
32844.What makes you(何があなたに~させる
What makes you so sure you're right? What evidence do you have?
32845.retrace((…を)引き返す、あと戻りする、(…の)もとを尋ねる、さかのぼって調べる、(…を)回顧する ) to repeat exactly the same journey that someone else has made 
Exactly when did you realize your wallet was missing? Retrace your footsteps.

沢内甚句【岩手県民謡】 唄/誠一郎・hb

2025年03月21日 | 日本民謡
沢内甚句【岩手県民謡】 唄/誠一郎・hb