32901.tacky (くっつく、べとつく、みすぼらしい、安っぽい、見苦しい、悪趣味な、品の悪い、質の悪い、安作りの)if something is tacky, it looks cheap or badly made, and shows poor taste
He was wearing a really tacky shirt.
He was wearing a really tacky shirt.
We broke up ages ago. We don't keep in contact at all anymore.
32903.bond over(絆を深める)
We bond over shared interests outside of the work.
32904.tension arise(緊迫する、緊張が走る)
Occasionally, tension arise, but we address conflicts openly and respectfully.
32905.pool one's expertise(専門知識を出し合う)
Occasionally, tension arise, but we address conflicts openly and respectfully.
32905.pool one's expertise(専門知識を出し合う)
We pol our expertise to tackle challenges.