

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/17)

2024年09月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
32921.outfit(服装) a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion  
That Scottish outfit looks good on you.
32922.fit in(うまくはまる、ぴったり合う、(…と)適合する、(…と)調和する )if someone fits in, they are accepted by the other people in a group 
I wanted to fit in with the locals.. 
32923.stand out(目立つ、浮く)to be very easy to see or notice 
 Does this outfit stand out too much?
32924.plaid (格子じまのラシャ ) a pattern of crossed lines and squares, used especially on cloth 類義語 tartan British English 
 Did you pick up on all the ironic things that happened in the story?
32925.polka dot(水玉) one of a number of round spots that form a pattern, especially on cloth used for clothing 
Polak dots don't look good on you. 

