Sakura Sakura (traditional Japanese melody and lyrics )with subtitles
32656.speak one's mind (思うことをはっきりと言う )
Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
32657.keep ~ in mind (〜を覚えておく、 心に留めておく )the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history
Make sure you keep in mind that the deadline is Friday.
32658.blow one's mind (感動する、ひどく驚かせる、圧倒する)spoken to make you feel very surprised and excited by something
It blows my mind he turned down the job.
32659.cross one's mind (頭をよぎる、 ふと心に浮かぶ) if you say that an idea, thought etc never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it 類義語 occur to somebody
Starting my own restaurant? Of course, it's crossed my mind before.
32660.put one's mind to (〜に専念する、全力を傾ける) to decide that you want to achieve something and try very hard to do it
If you want to accomplish your goal, you have to put your mind to it.
32657.keep ~ in mind (〜を覚えておく、 心に留めておく )the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history
Make sure you keep in mind that the deadline is Friday.
32658.blow one's mind (感動する、ひどく驚かせる、圧倒する)spoken to make you feel very surprised and excited by something
It blows my mind he turned down the job.
32659.cross one's mind (頭をよぎる、 ふと心に浮かぶ) if you say that an idea, thought etc never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it 類義語 occur to somebody
Starting my own restaurant? Of course, it's crossed my mind before.
32660.put one's mind to (〜に専念する、全力を傾ける) to decide that you want to achieve something and try very hard to do it
If you want to accomplish your goal, you have to put your mind to it.