

Alfa Romeo’s Twin Spark engines

2022-08-15 13:44:27 | 雑記帳

Alfa Romeo’s Twin Spark engines

The words “Twin Spark” became almost synonymous with Alfa Romeo in the late Eighties and Nineties. Still, few know what it was all about, and even fewer know the reasons behind Alfa’s long-standing adoption of double ignition on its engines…



Alfa Romeo Twin Spark engine

GTのボンネットに搭載された後期ツインスパーク16V (c. Wheelsage.org)


It’s February of 1987.

Alfa Romeo presents a new version of its 75 family saloon, the 2.0 liters “Twin Spark.” Alfa itself had officially ceased to exist as a company entity just a few weeks earlier: its asset merged with Lancia’s ones into a newly formed company under Fiat’s control, called Alfa Lancia Industriale.

While that corporate entity only lasted until ’92, the words “Twin Spark” would go on much longer, becoming almost synonymous with the Milanese brand.


アルファロメオは、75ファミリー・サルーンの新バージョン、2.0リッターの "ツインスパーク "を発表した。その数週間前、アルファはランチアと合併してフィアット傘下のアルファ・ランチア・インダストリアルとなり、会社としての体をなさなくなったばかりだった。


Powering the future

By the late 1970s, the inline-four cylinder twin-cam engine known as “bialbero” that powered the bulk of Arese’s production was an over twenty-years-old design.



Alfa twin cam

80年代後半のビアベロエンジン(c. Wheelsage.org)


The future called for cleaner, more efficient engines. On top of that, the classic “bialbero” production costs were high due to the outdated tooling and processes used to make it. So Alfa’s engineers set out to design a brand new engine to replace it: a new block, new crank, and, of course, a brand new cylinder head, whose design built upon the experience gained on the race tracks with the GTAm.

Due to Alfa Romeo’s increasingly precarious financial position, that new engine was never made. Instead, the engineers would have to make do with designing a new cylinder head for the existing engine block.

The Twin Spark head’s two valves per cylinder were inclined at a much tighter angle (46° rather than the 80° of the old engine) for better thermal efficiency and a straighter inlet port.

The adoption of two spark plugs on opposite sides of the combustion chamber, instead of the usual central one, allowed to increase the diameter of the intake valve. Furthermore, the combustion was better controlled, leading to a smoother engine running at partial throttle openings. The package was then completed by Alfa’s patented variable valve timing on the intake camshaft and Bosch’s latest Motronic fuel injection. To say it was a success probably is an understatement.





Back on the map

The introduction of the two liters Twin Spark engine on the 75 drastically changed the fortunes of this model. The Twin Spark’s performance not only re-established Alfa Romeo at the top of the European “two liters” class but, together with some neat styling tweaks inside and out, transformed the 75 into a much more desirable car than before.



Alfa 75 twin spark

1987年式アルファ75ツインスパーク(c. Stellantis Emea Press)

From September of ’87, the same two liters engine, modified for transverse installation, would then power the front wheels of the stunning 164 flagship saloon, designed by Pininfarina’s Enrico Fumia.


Phase two

1992 saw the debut of the 155, the front-wheel-drive replacement for the 75, and the new generation of Twin Spark engines designed to power it. These engines’ external layout was significantly modified to fit the model’s smaller engine bay, which called for a new plenum chamber and intake runners. In addition, the switch to static ignition got rid of the bulky distributors, and the hydraulic variator was now electronically controlled.



Alfa 155

1993年式アルファロメオ155 1.7 ツインスパーク(c.Stellantis Emea Press)

The two liters engine gained about 30 cubic centimeters of displacement, from the “classic” capacity of 1962cc to 1995cc. Below sat a 1.8 liters Twin Spark introduced for the first time, while an entry-level 1.7 liters Twin Spark variant was introduced in 1993, the latter without variable valve timing. These engines were manufactured at Alfa Romeo’s historic Arese plant, still using the old aluminum engine block design from the 1950s. But by 1995, the writing was on the wall for these 8-valve TS engines, as an all-new two liters Twin Spark 16v debuted under the bonnet of the sexy GTV and Spider.


A new generation

By the late 1980s, Fiat Auto found itself producing a remarkably varied selection of engines in the 1.5 to 2.0 liters range. Fiat-Lancia’s legacy designs, like the “Lampredi” twin-cam four-cylinder, Alfa’s own classic twin-cam and its Twin Spark derivatives, plus the “boxer” engines from the Naples factory.

Such a wide variety of entirely different powertrains, made in separate factories and relatively small volumes, made little sense from an industrial point of view.

The new family of engines designed to replace them was characterized by a modular design that allowed a wide variety of inline-four or inline-five cylinders, petrol or diesel engines, to be made with the same tooling on a highly automated production line.

The engine block, a thin-wall iron casting, could house two counter-rotating balancing shafts, depending on the application. Most petrol engines’ aluminum heads had four valves per cylinder and an electronically controlled variator on the intake camshaft.

The adoption of four valves per cylinder pretty much ruled out double ignition.







Or did it?

The decision that the engines destined for Alfa Romeos had to have double ignition anyway was primarily taken for marketing reasons and imposed on the engineers: the management knew the public expected Alfa Romeo engines to be somehow unique. Moreover, the success of the Twin Spark engines had made the TS moniker almost synonymous with the brand, so to keep writing Twin Spark on the back of the cars became important.



Alfa twin spark

ツインスパーク16Vの特徴的なヘッドデザイン(c. Stellantis Emea Press)


However, putting two spark plugs into a four-valve cylinder head was challenging, given the very little space available. This led to the peculiar solution of two plugs of different sizes placed centrally, side by side. These plugs were of very high quality, developed explicitly by NGK to last a minimum of 100.000 km.


Doing it in style

As mentioned previously, the new generation of Twin Spark engines debuted with the larger two liters variant in 1995 and did it in style, under the swoopy bonnets of the GTV and Spider designed, once again, by Pininfarina’s Enrico Fumia. The same unit became available on the 155 and the newly-introduced 145 Quadrifoglio Verde later the same year. By 1996, the smaller 1.6 and 1.8 16v engines gradually replaced the older Twin Spark engines on the 155.

By 1997, with the demise of the boxer, the 145 and 146 also switched to the new Twin Spark engines. Finally, at the bottom of the range, a new 1.4 liters variant was introduced, a short-lived engine, though, lasting in production for only three years before being “sacrificed” on cost grounds given its unique cylinder head casting.


前述したように、新世代のツインスパーク・エンジンは1995年に大型の2リッター・エンジンでデビューし、ピニンファリーナのエンリコ・フミヤがデザインしたGTVとスパイダーで、流麗なボンネットを身にまとい、その姿を現わした。同年末には、同じユニットが155と新たに導入された145クアドリフォリオ・ヴェルデにも搭載されるようになった。1996年には、155に搭載されていた旧式のツインスパーク・エンジンに代わり、より小型の1.6および1.8 16vエンジンが徐々に採用されるようになった。


Alfa Romeo ts

2.0ツインスパーク(可変吸気ランナー)(c. Stellantis Emea Press)

With the launch of the 156, the 1.8 and 2.0 liters Twin Spark engines were uprated with an electronically controlled variable inlet manifold. Still, the big news of the time was the launch of the revolutionary common-rail diesel engines. These would take the lion’s share of 156 and 147 sales, thanks to their blend of high performance and low fuel consumption.

The Twin Spark engines would get to live on until 2010 as the entry-level options for the 147 and GT models, even though their time had already passed, as the advent of direct petrol injection made dual ignition not only redundant but physically impossible.
















The Story Of The Alfa Romeo Twin Spark Engine - Part One

The Story Of The Alfa Romeo Twin Spark Engine - Part Two




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4 コメント

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Unknown (::angeloprotettoretoru)
2022-08-15 20:21:00
Unknown (kjhar92)
2022-08-16 23:32:40
 私の以前の愛車? 75TS のツインスパークエンジンのお話 ありがとうございました
 あの頃 もう少し 心にも財布にも余裕があったらと今でも思います
angeloprotettoretoru様 (堀井浩)
2022-08-17 17:45:22
>kjhar92様 (堀井浩)
2022-08-17 17:59:19

