32636.light bulb (電球)the glass object inside a lamp that produces light and has to be replaced regularly 類義語 bulb
Change the lightbulb when it burns out and goes dark.
32637.linguistics (言語学)the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history
Linguistics is the study of natural language
32638.lionessa female lion
The lioness is drinking water.
32639.lorry a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods 類義語 truck
Your furniture will be delivered on a lorry in the morning.
32640.lounge a waiting room at an airport /a public room in a hotel or other building, that is used by many people as a place to relax
The lounge had a small band with a female singer.
32637.linguistics (言語学)the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history
Linguistics is the study of natural language
32638.lionessa female lion
The lioness is drinking water.
32639.lorry a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods 類義語 truck
Your furniture will be delivered on a lorry in the morning.
32640.lounge a waiting room at an airport /a public room in a hotel or other building, that is used by many people as a place to relax
The lounge had a small band with a female singer.