

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/19)

2024年09月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
32931.mixed feelings(複雑な気持ち)if you have mixed feelings or emotions about something, you are not sure whether you like, agree with, or feel happy about it 
I’ve got mixed feelings about it.
32932.case-sensitive(大文字と小文字を区別)a case-sensitive computer program recognizes whether a letter is a capital or lower case 
It's case-sensitive. 
32933.rejuvenated(若返らせる、 元気を回復させる )to make something work much better or become much better again 
I woke up rejuvenated.
32934.drained(消耗した) very tired and without any energy 
 I work up  drained this morning.
32935.say hi to(~に挨拶する)
My wife will come to say hi to everyone,and she'll drive us home.