

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/05)

2019年12月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
24436.applaud(拍手かっさいする、ほめる)to hit your open hands together, to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker etc 類義語 clap 
It was so satisfying to hear the audience applauding our performance.
24437.That's the spirit(その意気だ)spoken used to express approval of someone’s behaviour or attitude
That's the spirit
24438.talk to(~と話す)
Nancy is easy to talk to.
24439.scatterbrained(落ち着きがない、注意力散漫)not thinking in a practical way, so that you cannot do things or you forget or lose things   
 Haruto is sure to forget,he's so scatterbrained.
24440.absent-minded(ぼんやりした、うわの空の、忘れっぽい)likely to forget things, especially because you are thinking about something else 類義語 forgetful   
 Granddad's been getting rather absent-minded lately.

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