深夜食堂 第10話 ラーメン drama mybest!!CH
I unwind at my local health club.
I've been obsessing over hor hours.
It's a multidomensional part of life now.
17634.make a point of(必ず~する)
I always make a point of saying that we'll have fun.
Some people associate the gym with the horrors of thier high school P.E. class.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I unwind at my local health club.
I've been obsessing over hor hours.
It's a multidomensional part of life now.
17634.make a point of(必ず~する)
I always make a point of saying that we'll have fun.
Some people associate the gym with the horrors of thier high school P.E. class.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | 人生計画の立て方 (実業之日本社文庫) |
クリエーター情報なし | |
実業之日本社 |
◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
第一 常に心を快活に持すること
第二 専心その行に励むこと
第三 功は人に譲り、責は自ら負うこと
第四 善を称し悪を問わないこと
第五 本業に妨げなき好機はいやしくも逸しないこと
第六 常に普通収入の四分の一と臨時収入の全部を貯えること
第七 人から受けた恩は必ず返すこと
第八 人事を尽くして時節を待つこと
第九 原則として個人間に金銭貸借を行わぬこと
People are much more fitness-conscious these days.
17627.make the best use of(~を最大限に利用する)
So combining networking and exercise ia s good way to make the best use of your time.
There'snot a lot of room for pretense.
17629.safe haven from(~のがれる安全な避難場所)
The gym has always been safe haven from from the worries and stresses of the office.
The nagative energy can accumulate during a hectric day.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

People are much more fitness-conscious these days.
17627.make the best use of(~を最大限に利用する)
So combining networking and exercise ia s good way to make the best use of your time.
There'snot a lot of room for pretense.
17629.safe haven from(~のがれる安全な避難場所)
The gym has always been safe haven from from the worries and stresses of the office.
The nagative energy can accumulate during a hectric day.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I had a vigorous session of sweatworking today, folowed by a shower.
17622.the new normal(新たな常識)
The new normal is to make conracts over a post-workout smoothie.
17623.sigh of the times(時代の動向)
I suppose it's a sigh of the times.
17624.take credit for(~を自分の手柄にする)
They like to take credit for setting new trends.
Sweatworking has new spread to more bottoned-down profession such as law and banking.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I had a vigorous session of sweatworking today, folowed by a shower.
17622.the new normal(新たな常識)
The new normal is to make conracts over a post-workout smoothie.
17623.sigh of the times(時代の動向)
I suppose it's a sigh of the times.
17624.take credit for(~を自分の手柄にする)
They like to take credit for setting new trends.
Sweatworking has new spread to more bottoned-down profession such as law and banking.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

A civil rights leader, who protested U.S.-government treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, has been awarded America's highest civilian honor nearly 30 years after his death.
Minoru Yasui was one of 17 people who received this year's Presidential Medal of Freedom. On Tuesday, President Barack Obama presented the medal to Yasui's daughter, Laurie, at a White House ceremony.
(Barack Obama / U.S. President)
"He never stopped fighting for equality and justice for all. Today, Min's legacy has never been more important. It is a call to our national conscience."
During the Second World War, the U.S. government imposed harsh restrictions on about 120,000 citizens of Japanese descent. Yasui was imprisoned for protesting a curfew on Japanese-Americans. He was later sent to an internment camp.
After the war, he continued to challenge the constitutionality of the government's actions. He died in 1986. Two years later, the government officially admitted its actions were an abuse of human rights.
◆legacy 遺産
◆conscience 良心
◆harsh 厳しい、過酷な
◆descent 血統、家系
◆curfew 夜間外出禁止令
◆internment camp 強制収容所
◆constitutionality 合憲性、合法性
He'd engage in the usual chitchat with the person sitting beside him.
A tru friend unbosomes freely, advises justly. assist readily, adventure boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously and continues a friend unchangeably.
17618.segue into(~に途切れず移る)
He used his elevator pitch to segue into a constanyly that eventually led to bisiness.
17619.favorite line(お気に入りのセリフ)
Did he have a favorite line whenhe made his in-flight pitch.
Instead of letting the small talk devolve into a discussion.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

He'd engage in the usual chitchat with the person sitting beside him.
A tru friend unbosomes freely, advises justly. assist readily, adventure boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously and continues a friend unchangeably.
17618.segue into(~に途切れず移る)
He used his elevator pitch to segue into a constanyly that eventually led to bisiness.
17619.favorite line(お気に入りのセリフ)
Did he have a favorite line whenhe made his in-flight pitch.
Instead of letting the small talk devolve into a discussion.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

17611..track record(実績)
His company had a great track record in growth.
He was also good at differentiating from other firms.
17613.close a sale(取引を成立させる)
Did he ever try to close a sale then and there.
17614.bisiness associate(仕事仲間)
I once bumped into a formor bisiness associate of mine at the airport.
17615.organize one's thoughts(考えをまとめる)
I tried to organize my thoughts.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

His company had a great track record in growth.
He was also good at differentiating from other firms.
17613.close a sale(取引を成立させる)
Did he ever try to close a sale then and there.
17614.bisiness associate(仕事仲間)
I once bumped into a formor bisiness associate of mine at the airport.
17615.organize one's thoughts(考えをまとめる)
I tried to organize my thoughts.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Zi Gong asked, "What sort of person is called 'a good officer'?" Confucius replied, "If he has a sense of shame and never disgrace his lord's honor when he is sent on a mission, the person can be called 'a good officer'." Zi Gong asked, "May I ask a type of the next best person?" Confucius replied, "His family praise his filial piety and his villagers praise his modesty." Zi Gong asked, "May I ask a type of the next best person?" Confucius replied, "His words are honest and His acts are decisive. This sort of person can be also stubborn. But he can be called 'a good officer'." Zi Gong asked, "How about recent officers who engage in politics?" Confucius replied, "You mean those narrow-minded people? They are not worth counting."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
17606..con artist(詐欺師)
You make him sound like some sort of con artist.
17607.get a sense of(~を察する)
You have enough information to get a sense of what he is talking about.
17608.past master(達人)
The chaiman was past master.
17609.drum up business(取引をしようと努力する)
It comes to druming up business.
17610.fast talker(まくしたて言いまくる人、口先が巧妙な人)
I hope he wasn't one of those fast talker.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You make him sound like some sort of con artist.
17607.get a sense of(~を察する)
You have enough information to get a sense of what he is talking about.
17608.past master(達人)
The chaiman was past master.
17609.drum up business(取引をしようと努力する)
It comes to druming up business.
17610.fast talker(まくしたて言いまくる人、口先が巧妙な人)
I hope he wasn't one of those fast talker.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Dooley Wilson 映画「カサブランカ」 As Time Goes By
17601..meet-and-greet networking event(新しい出会いの為の集まり)
Most od people appriciate that, especially meet-and-greet networking events.
17602.be curious about(~について興味がある)
I am curious about the guy you met in the lift.
17603.give up on someone(人に見切りをつける)
Did he ultimately give up on you and let you go.
17604.be intrigutes by(~に興味を惹かれる)
I was so intrigutes by his pitch.
17605.fine art(高度な技術)
He is in a class of his own when it comes to the fine art of the elevater pitch.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Most od people appriciate that, especially meet-and-greet networking events.
17602.be curious about(~について興味がある)
I am curious about the guy you met in the lift.
17603.give up on someone(人に見切りをつける)
Did he ultimately give up on you and let you go.
17604.be intrigutes by(~に興味を惹かれる)
I was so intrigutes by his pitch.
17605.fine art(高度な技術)
He is in a class of his own when it comes to the fine art of the elevater pitch.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News