

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/10)

2025年03月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
32781.take it easy (無理しないでね ) to relax and not do very much /used to tell someone to become less upset or angry 
I know you’re really busy with work but take it easy. 
32782.dozens of (数十個の・数十人の)the most basic and important quality of something 
 Dozens and dozens of customers complained about their poor service. 
32783.freeloader (食客、ルンペン、月給泥棒、遊び人、あそび人、脛かじり、脛齧り、〈賤しんで〉・居候、月給泥棒 )someone who takes food, drink, or other things from other people, without giving anything in return – used to show disapproval 
You shouldn’t invite him. He is a freeloader
32784.put on hold (保留する・持ち越す the regular paid work that you do for an employer  / something that you are responsible for doing 
We decided to put the project on hold until next month. 
32785.go by (〜と呼ばれている / 〜の名で知られる ) a job or profession  
My name is Norio but I go by Nori 

