

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/09)

2025年03月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32776.expertise(専門知識) special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training 
You describe yourself is a startup advisor having expertise bringing new products to the global market..  
32777.open up(切り開く)if opportunities open up, or a new situation opens them up, they become available or possible 
 Working with a diverse team opens up a world of new perspectives and ideas
32778.push one's limits(限界に挑戦する)
Enthusiastic teammates inspire you to push your limits and strive for excellence
32779.broaden(広げる)to increase something such as your knowledge, experience, or range of activities /to affect or include more people or things, or to make something affect or include more people or things 類義語 widen, expand 
Leaning from the unique experiences of diverse coworkers broadens your own skills and knowledge. 
32780.for the first time in X years (ここX年のうちで初めて=X年ぶりに ) 
I'm planning a trip abroad for the first time in three years. 

