

Daily Vocabulary(2016/01/02)

2016年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
We were divided into teams one day and each group had to device an ad campaign for an imaginary product.
17522.be playing(上演している)
When is that movie playing?
17523.be staring(主演している)
Who is staring in that movie?
17524.romantic comedy(ラブコメディ)
I'd like to see a romantic comedy.
Even the animals in the wild, the one we don't raise, they are so vulnerable to pur actions.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2016/01/01)

2016年01月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
17516.creat a strong bond with(強い絆を築く
It creats a strong bond with consumer.
17517.quality merchandise(品質の良い製品、優良商品)
They know they're buying quality merchandise and helping people who are less fortune.
17518.privatelly held company(私企業、株式非公開の会社)
It's a privatelly held company that makes and sells outdoor clothing and other gem
17519.touch someone's heart(人の心を動かす)
I had to choose a few that especially touch my heart.
17520.cruelty to animals(動物虐待)
Cruelty to animals is something I truly hate.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
