Japan's environment ministry has selected the Noto region as a site to reintroduce the endangered crested ibis into the wild. The area was hit hard by a massive earthquake on New Year's Day last year. A panel of experts approved the plan on Friday. The crested ibis was once present across Japan, but it was driven to extinction in the country in 2003 due to excessive hunting and pesticide use. The species is designated as a “special natural monument.” A breeding program in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, has yielded some success. An estimated 576 crested ibises were living in the wild around the city as of December. Ministry officials say a survey of rice paddies in Noto found they're home to frogs, snails, and other prey favored by the birds. The officials plan to release the birds starting around June next year. They'll be set free in batches of 15 to 20 over several years.
◆crested ibis トキ a lack of a fair or correct balance between two things, which results in problems or unfairness 類義語 inequality
◆pesticide 農薬、殺虫剤 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall
◆special natural monument 特別天然記念物 a lack of a fair or correct balance between two things, which results in problems or unfairness 類義語 inequality
◆rice paddy 水田 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall
◆snail 田螺 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall