

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/08)

2025年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
32771.bilatelal(二国間の、両側に関する) involving two groups or nations 
The Us and Japan have a bilateral alliance.  
32772.fillet(切り身にする)a piece of meat or fish without bones 
 I've never learned how to fillet a fish. Can you show me?
32773.flake(フレーク、薄片)a small thin piece that breaks away easily from something else 
Try some bonito flakes on top of your okonomiyaki. 
32774.fishy(魚臭い、胡散臭い)informal seeming bad or dishonest 類義語/ tasting or smelling of fish  suspicious 
Wow. This fillet doesn’t taste fishy at all.
32775.circulation(循環、血行、発行部数 ) the movement of blood around your body/ the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month etc / the movement of liquid, air etc in a system 
They said that garlic is good for your circulation.