

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/29)

2025年01月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
32581.lose someone (亡くす、失う)
He lost a friend to drug addiction. 
32582.cut someone off (誰かを遮る,遮断する,関係を断つ )
He has a bad habit of cutting people off in conversation. 
32583.keen on/to (keen on/to ) wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much 類義語 eager 
I'm keen on learning about different cultures and traditions. 
32584.(be) stationed (~に駐留する )
I’m getting transferred this year and will be stationed in Singapore. 
32585.familiarize oneself with (〜に慣れる  )to learn about something so that you understand it, or to teach someone else about something so that they understand it 
Before traveling, it's good to familiarize yourself with the local customs. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/28)

2025年01月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32576.Let’s hit the(~しようよ)
Let's hit the road.
32577.thoroughly(徹底的に、完全に、全面的に )slow and unwilling OPP willing
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
32578.Would you kind enough to(~していただけますか) very angry
Would you kind enough to hand me the sunscreen
32579.Would you kind enough to (おそれいりますが)to be important or valuable
Would you kind enough to putting sunscreen on my back
32580.work on (〜に取り組む  )to try very hard to improve or achieve something 
We’re working on fixing this issue. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/27)

2025年01月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32571.get off the phone (電話で話したよ )
I just got off the phone with the hotel to confirm our booking. 
32572.do one’s homework (下調べをする)
Make sure you do your homework before the interview. 
32573.come along (順調に進む)to be developing or making progress 類義語 progress 
Slowly but surely, I feel like my English is coming along
32574.make a right/left (右/左に曲がる )
Go down this street and make a right on Sakura Street. 
325750.jerk(嫌な奴、 自分勝手な人 、最低な人 )someone, especially a man, who is stupid or who does things that annoy or hurt other people 類義語 idiot 
I can’t believe you embarrassed your girlfriend in front of everyone. You’re such a jerk!

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/26)

2025年01月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
That seal caught every fish the zookeeper threw.
32567.yell(どなる、大声を上げる)slow and unwilling OPP willing 
My sister started yelling at me, but I didn't know what she was mad about.
32568.furiously(怒り狂って、猛烈に) very angry
Residents in the area are furious at the decision. 
32569.count (重要である、価値がある)to be important or valuable 
You only live once. Every minute counts.
32570.be on the horizon (待ち受けている、兆しが見える )to seem likely to happen in the future 
With the new product launch, a new customer base is on the horizon. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/25)

2025年01月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32561.biased(偏った、偏見のある)unfairly preferring one person or group over another 
There’s so much biased information out there.
32562.criterion(ものごとを判断する基準)a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something 
There is only one smartphone that meets your criteria.
32563.attic(屋根裏部屋)a space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things
Can you help me move some old toys from Kaori's bedroom to the attic?
32564.homebody (家で過ごすのが好きな人) someone who enjoys being at home 
Tomoko is a homebody, but that doesn't  mean she's shy. 
32565.formative (形を作る、形成の )
The music you listen to in your formative years stays with you forever. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/24)

2025年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32556.I'm exhausted(くたくたです)extremely tired 類義語 worn out 
I'm exhausted.
32557.I can’t complain(まずまずです) to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someone → complaint 
I can 't complain.
32558.Same old same old(変わらずです)spoken used to say that a situation has not changed, when this is boring or annoying but you did not really expect it to change
Nothing interesting's going on - just same old same old.→ same 
32559.swamp (圧倒される、無力になる )to suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal with 類義語 inundate 
Not bad. But I was swapped with work all day.
32560.inundate (氾濫(はんらん)させる、水浸しにする、(大水のように)押し寄せる、殺到する、(…を)(…で)満たす、充満する、あふれさせる ) to cover an area with a large amount of water 類義語 flood 
The tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/23)

2025年01月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32551.have (a) thick skin (「神経が太い」「打たれ強い」「鈍感である」 )
The more popular you become, the more you’ll get criticize. You need to have thick skin. 
32552.We might as well(折角ですから)
We might as well go in. It is not crowded..
32553.have a quick look around(さっとみる) 
It is Ok if we have a quick look?
32554.have a quick peek (ちらっとのぞき見する)
Is it OK if we have a quick peek at that sculpture?
32555.foodie (食べ物に関心の強い人、グルメ )someone who is very interested in cooking and eating food → gourmet 
I'm not much of a foodie, but I like to eat out 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/22)

2025年01月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32546.working knowledge (実務知識、実際上の知識)enough knowledge of a system, subject, language etc to be able to use it or to do a particular job 
In this case, having a working knowledge of the types of microcomputer available will be important. 
32547.take the trouble to do (わざわざ )slow and unwilling OPP willing 
He took the trouble to give me a ride home. 
32548.go out of one’s way to do (わざわざ) 
You didn’t have to go out of your way to say such a mean thing. 
32549.all the way  (わざわざ)
We went all the way to Osaka to eat takoyaki. 
32550.have something(nothing) in common (共通点がある(ない))
I think you guys will get a long. You guys have a lot of hobbies in common. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/21)

2025年01月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32541.things like that (そのようなこと )
I usually go jogging, do yoga, and things like that
32542.cue (ヒント、合図 )an action or event that is a signal for something else to happen /a word, phrase, or action in a play that is a signal for the next person to speak or act 
He missed his cue to join the conversation. 
32543.totally (完全に、もちろん ) completely
Tokyo is totally different from LA. 
32544.a bit (ちょっと ) slightly or to a small degree 類義語 a little
I’m feeling a bit tired today. 
32545.all the way 完全に、遠くまで  )
No matter what, I’ll support you all the way

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/20)

2025年01月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32536.strike up a conversation(会話を始める)to start to become friendly with someone, to start talking to them, etc
I have a hard time striking up a conversation with someone I don’t know. 
32537.noticeable(目立つ  )easy to notice 
Is this stain on my shirt pretty noticeable
32538.would rather not (~したくない ) 
I’ll go with you if you really want me to but I’d rather not.
32539.confrontation (対立)a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups
I try to avoid confrontation as much as possible 
32540.Thanks to(せいで)
Thanks to him we are locked out. He left the keys in the car. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/19)

2025年01月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
Are you willing to work on weekends?
32532.reluctant(気が進まない、気乗りしない)slow and unwilling OPP willing 
My grandpa always seems reluctant to make about his past.
32533.inspire(奮い立たせる、動機づける) to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something/to make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way 
My teacher inspired me to go into education
32534.fire escape (火災避難装置)
The apartment building has to have a fire escape 
32535.flotation device (浮揚装置 )
Your seat cushion will act as a flotation device in the case of a water landing 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/18)

2025年01月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
32526.mug(マグカップ )a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc
I made myself a mug of cocoa and watched movie..
32527.complaint(クレーム、苦情) a statement in which someone complains about something 
You should make a complaint about waiter . He was so rude.
32528.mass media(マスコミall the people and organizations that provide information and news for the public, including television, radio, and newspapers
The mass media can make someone a star in almost no time.
32529.french fries(フライドポテト)a long thin piece of potato that has been cooked in hot oil 類義語 chip British English 
Do all the kid’s meals come with french fries?
32530.drive(意欲、やる気)a strong natural need or desire 
Tom's drive kept the project going..

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/17)

2025年01月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
The insects chirping outside are called suzumushi.I think the sound relaxing.
I welcomed the news that you’re joining our department.
32523.game console(ゲーム機
This is the game console I've been dreaming of!
Have you set a date for your wedding?
32525.mark(示す、記念する)a group of small islands 
I would like to say a few words to mark the opening of Vcab Academy..

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/16)

2025年01月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
32516.I can’t drink much (お酒が弱い/苦手です )
 I can’t drink much. I get drunk easily. 
32517.I’m a lightweight (お酒に弱いです )
I’m a lightweight. I can’t drink much. 
32518.popular (一軍)
She’s cheer captain and the most popular girl in school. 
32519.Prom queen / Prom king (一軍)
Students who were Prom queen and Prom king at school usually do very well later in life. 
32520.Queen bee / Golden boy (一軍)a group of small islands 
In American movies about high school, the queen bee is usually pretty but mean.


2025年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary

U.S. authorities monitoring atmospheric conditions say solar activity is now at a maximum and could impact communication and navigation systems. Solar activity increases and decreases in a cycle that lasts about 11 years. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have announced the sun has reached its “solar maximum period,” which could continue for the next year. During such periods, electromagnetic eruptions called solar flares occur on the surface of the sun. These phenomena could affect satellite-based navigation systems, radio communication, and power grids. They could also produce auroras at lower latitudes. In May, auroras triggered by solar flares were observed around the world. In the United States, GPS services were disrupted. The sun may already have been in a maximum period at the time.

 ◆electromagnetic  電磁気的な 
 eruption 噴出 
 ◆power grid   電力網 
 disrupt 乱す、混乱させる、中断させる、障害を及ぼす