


2025年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary

U.S. authorities monitoring atmospheric conditions say solar activity is now at a maximum and could impact communication and navigation systems. Solar activity increases and decreases in a cycle that lasts about 11 years. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have announced the sun has reached its “solar maximum period,” which could continue for the next year. During such periods, electromagnetic eruptions called solar flares occur on the surface of the sun. These phenomena could affect satellite-based navigation systems, radio communication, and power grids. They could also produce auroras at lower latitudes. In May, auroras triggered by solar flares were observed around the world. In the United States, GPS services were disrupted. The sun may already have been in a maximum period at the time.

 ◆electromagnetic  電磁気的な 
 eruption 噴出 
 ◆power grid   電力網 
 disrupt 乱す、混乱させる、中断させる、障害を及ぼす 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/15)

2025年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32511.shed light on (~を明確にする )
This book sheds light on the importance of mental health. 
32512.stuck (動けない)
We got stuck at the airport for a couple of hours. 
32513.no joke (冗談抜きで)used to emphasize that a situation is serious or that someone really means what they say
Drinking and driving is no joke. You have to stop that. 
32514.flaky(信用できない人、ドタキャンする人、いい加減な人 )
He didn't show up again? He's so flaky
32515.literally (マジで・本当に )
 I was literally freaking out when the cockroach started flying. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/14)

2025年01月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32506.between jobs (失業中)
I'm between jobs right now. I actually have a job interview tomorrow. 
32507.entry-level position(新入社員)
If you're interested, our company is offering an entry level position right now. 
32508.bank on to depend on something happening or someone doing something 類義語 count on 
I think it has potential but I wouldn't bank on it. 
She burst into tears when she heard the news. 
32510.mesh together (調和する )
That team has a lot of talented players but they don’t mesh together

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/13)

2025年01月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
32501.brings back memories (懐かしい )
Watching this movie brings back memories of my childhood. 
32502.square (生真面目な人・頭が固い人 )someone who is square is boring and old-fashioned 
My dad is a square. He doesn’t like trying new things. 
32503.deal with((我慢して)対処する・受け入れる )
I don’t want to work late, but I have to deal with it. 
32504.I can’t wait ((待ちきれない)楽しみ! )
I can’t wait for the party! It’s going to be so much fun! 
32505.no joke. (冗談抜きで)
This coronavirus is no joke. It’s rapidly spreading around the world. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/12)

2025年01月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
32496.trick someone into (騙して〜させる )
She got tricked into buying a fake designer bag. 
32497.work (作業する、働く、勉強する )
If you want to pass the test, you have to work harder. 
32498.work(作動する、動く )
The medicine worked and the pain is gone. 
32499.work(上手くいく )
I tried the new diet method, but it didn’t work
32500.work on (取り組む )
Something seems wrong with this photocopier. It’s not working properly. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/11)

2025年01月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32491.get under someone's skin (〜を凄くイライラさせる )
My boss really gets under my skin. He's driving me crazy. 
32492.push someone's buttons (〜を怒らせる )
I really can't stand her. She's always pushing my buttons. 
32493.I want to ~so bad (〜したくて仕方ない、たまらない、しょうがない )
I want to drink a beer so bad
32494.trip(つまずく、つまずいて転ぶ) to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall 類義語 stumble
I tripped on an extension cord. 
32495.tumble (転げ落ちる )to fall down quickly and suddenly, especially with a rolling movement 
My daughter tumbled down the stairs. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/10)

2025年01月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
32486.heartwarming (心を温かくする )making you feel happy because you see other people being happy or kind to each other 
Wow, it’s such a heartwarming story! 
32487.How long (どれくらい? )
How long is the wait? 
32488.How much longer (あとどれくらい? )
How much longer is the wait? 
32489.set on fire (火をつける / 放火する )
It's a fire festival in Ishikawa. They set everything on fire. It's really crazy. 
32490.be likely to (〜しそうである、〜なりそうである )
That team is most likely to win this year. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/09)

2025年01月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32481.In my eyes (私にしてみれば / 私としては / 私からすると )
In his eyes, he did nothing wrong. 
32482.feel relaxed (ほっこりする)
I started to feel relaxed while I was talking to my mother on the phone. The tone of her voice always calms me down. 
32483.feel warm (暖かい気持ち )
I saw an elderly couple walking hand in hand in the park. It just made me feel warm inside. I wish I could be like that when I get older. 
32484.feel warm and fuzzy 温かくリラックスした気持ち )
It was just a little gift, but when I thought of how much she cared about me, it made me feel warm and fuzzy. 
32485.make me smile (私を笑顔にさせる )
Everytime I feel frustrated, I watch videos of doggies on Instagram. It makes me smile and feel warm and fuzzy. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/08)

2025年01月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
32476.make out (見える、聞こえる、読める )to be just able to see or hear something/to understand something, especially the reason why something has happened 
I couldn’t make out what he said. Did you catch it? 
32477.make it quick (早く済ませてね、急いでね )
Yeah, but make it quick. The show is starting in 20 minutes. 
32478.on good terms(仲がいい、仲が良い、仲がよい、仲いい、仲良い)
They’re on good terms now. They made up with each other. 
32479.make a difference (ある行動によってポジティブな変化や結果が生まれること )to have an important effect or influence on something or someone 
Writing down your goals really makes a difference. You should try it. 
32480.What do you make of (相手の意見や考えを尋ねるときに使われ、 What do you think of ____ の言い換え表現 )
Tony sent me a weird email. Take a look at it. What do you make of it

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/07)

2025年01月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
32471.fart (屁、放屁、いやなやつ、愚かな人 )to make air come out of your bowels 類義語 break wind 
He farted during the presentation. 
32472.final (最終の、最後の、最終的な、決定的な、究極的な、目的を表わす )last in a series of actions, events, parts of a story etc  
There is a lot of stress to pass all your finals
32473.flotation device (救命胴衣やライフジャケット)
Your seat cushion will act as a flotation device in the case of a water landing 
32474.foreign exchange (外国為替) used to talk about buying and selling foreign money 
You need to go to the foreign exchange to change your money.
32475.fur seal(オットセイ)
The young fur seal is confronting the king penguin 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/06)

2025年01月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32466.defecate (排便する)to get rid of waste matter from your bowels 
I can’t defecate
32467.documentary (文書の、書類の、事実を記録した )a film or a television or radio programmed that gives detailed information about a particular subject 
The man is shooting a documentary. 
32468.dumpster (ゴミ箱)a large metal container used for waste in the US 類義語 skip British English
There’s a dumpster next to the house. 
32469.emu(ダチョウに似たオーストラリア産の無翼の大鳥 )a large Australian bird that can run very fast but cannot fly 
The emu is a large, flightless bird. 
32470.eyeglasses (眼鏡のレンズ )a lens for one eye, worn to help you see better with that eye 類義語 monocle 
Eyeglasses are not as common as they used to be because of surgeries 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/05)

2025年01月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
32461.cruise (ゆったりしたペースで進む )to sail along slowly, especially for pleasure 
If you’re up for it, let’s cruise along the coast. 
32462.hit the ground running (すぐに全力で取り組む)to start doing something successfully without any delay 
Do you think we can contribute more actively toward international peace?
32463.a pie in the sky (非現実的な)something good that someone says will happen, but which you think is impossible or unlikely
It would be a big help, if you could drive me to the station
32464.make it happen (実現させる、やり遂げる )
He always talked about becoming an actor, and he made it happen
32465.set a date (日付を決める)
Have you set a date for the party yet? 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/04)

2025年01月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32456.confiscate ((職権で、または罰として)没収する、押収する、差し押さえる )
The customs officer confiscated the counterfeit goods 
32457.counterfeit(偽造の、にせの、模造の、まがいの、偽りの、虚偽の )
Do you think we can contribute more actively toward international peace?
32458.consignee (受託者、荷受人)the person that something is delivered to
The consignee is the person the parcel is being delivered to. 
32459.contraband (密売買(品)、密輸(品)、(戦時)禁制品 )goods that are brought into a country illegally, especially to avoid tax 
The agents found contraband in the trunk of the car. 
32460.cricket (コオロギ )a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes a rough sound by rubbing its wings together 
You could hear the cricket chirping whenever you turned off the lights. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/03)

2025年01月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
32451.attic (屋根裏、屋根裏部屋 )a space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things 
Put the attic in order. 
324527.bat (バット、打球(番)、こん棒、打者、コウモリ )a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies around at night → fruit bat 
The bat is hanging from the branch. 
32453.calligraphy(能書、能筆、書道、書法 )the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way
He spent the rest of his life collecting antiques and artwork and writing calligraphy in his smoke-filled room. 
32454.cedar tree(杉)a large evergreen tree with leaves shaped like needles 
There are many cedar trees in this park. 
32455.cheetah (チータ )a member of the cat family that has long legs and black spots on its fur, and can run extremely fast 
The cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/02)

2025年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
32446.year after year(毎年毎年、来る年来る年 )every year for many years 
Year after year, I make this same resolution to lose weight..
32447.heart-to-heart(心を通わせた会話)a conversation in which two people say honestly and sincerely what they really feel about something 
I had a heart-to-heart with my mom about my future.
32448.recap(ポイントをまとめたもの)to repeat the main points of something that has just been said
I couldn't watch last night's episode, so I read recap on the website
32449.wrap up(仕上げる、仕上がる)informal to finish a job, meeting etc 
Ms. Sakurada wraps up every class with a joke.
32450.I would like to think that (真相はわからないけど、そうであって欲しい・・・ )
I would like to think that hard work pays off.