

Daily Vocabulary(2019/05/09)

2019年05月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
23411.rule out(排除する) to decide that something is not possible or suitable 
Experts are't ruling out abrupt ecological changes
23412.condemn (強く非難する、とがめる、だめだと決めつける、非難する、責める )
His friends condemned him for his indiscretion. 
23413.forestall((…に)先んずる、(…の)機先を制する、(…を)出し抜く、買い占める )to prevent something from happening or prevent someone from doing something by doing something first 
Some government are trying to forestall the crisis.
They are talking about nightmare scenarios like the collapse of agriculture.
23415.eliminate(取り除く、排除する)to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted 
The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.

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