24101.sloppy (だらしない ) not done carefully or thoroughly 類義語 careless
She is sloppy with money.
24102.irresponsible (だらしない / いい加減 )doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results OPP responsible
How can you forget the appointment? You're so irresponsible!
24103.flip(指先などで)(…を)はじく、ぽんと打つ、(ひょいと)ほうり上げる) to make a flat object such as a coin go upwards and turn over in the air 類義語 toss
24103.flip(指先などで)(…を)はじく、ぽんと打つ、(ひょいと)ほうり上げる) to make a flat object such as a coin go upwards and turn over in the air 類義語 toss
The referee flipped a coin to see which team would kick-off.
24104.sweep(掃除する、掃く、払う、掃きのける ) to clean the dust, dirt etc from the floor or ground, using a brush with a long handle 類義語 brush position to form a long curved shape
Recently, a wave of pessimusm seems to be sweeping the country.
24105.illustrate(説明する、例示する)to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples / to be an example which shows that something is true or that a fact exists
He illustrated his point ny telling us a story about his childhood.
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