

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/29)

2019年09月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
24111.craving (無性に〜が欲しい・〜を切望する ) an extremely strong desire for something → longing 
I’m craving something sweet. 
24112.have an urge to (~したい衝動に駆られる・無性に〜したい )
I had a sudden urge to eat ice cream last night.
24113.feel like (〜したい気分  )
I feel like eating something spicy.
24114.meeting point(待ち合わせ場所) impossible or unable to move from a particular position 
Let me jnow where the meeting point. OK?
24115.minor(未成年) law someone who is below the age at which they become legally responsible for their actions 
The law doesn't permit the sale of alchol to minor.

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