24036.proficient (堪能な / 熟練者 / 達人 )able to do something well or skilfully
I want to become proficient in English.
24037.before you know it (あっという間に / いつの間にか )
Just have fun and make each day count. Your time in Australia is going to go by before you know it.
24038.on call (自宅待機/オンコール )a small creature that has a long tail, lives in water, and grows into a frog or toad
We have doctors that are on call around the clock.
24039.24/7 (いつも ) impossible or unable to move from a particular position
She never leaves the house. She just stays in and plays video games 24/7.
24040.go past one's stop/station (乗り過ごす )
I think we went past our stop.