

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/20)

2024年12月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32386.pay homage to~に敬意を表する)
It would just just pay homage to the country’s cultural symbolism but also unveil a distinct and elegant flavor profile.
32387.It goes without saying(~は言うまでもない)
It goes without saying that we should add a bit of matcha flavor.
32388.roasted soybean flour,roasted soybean powder(黄な粉)
How about exploring unique featuring kinako powder?
32389.from my understanding(私の理解では)
From my understanding, the product launch has been postponed.
32390.sit back(深く座る、傍観する、(ひと仕事した後で)くつろぐ、引っ込んでいる)to get into a comfortable position, for example in a chair, and relax / to relax and make no effort to get involved in something or influence what happens 
 I will cook dinner for us both, just sit back and relax.