


2024年12月11日 | 爺英語

The Pentagon has published its annual update on unidentified flying objects, widely known as UFOs. The report found many cases could be traced not to aliens but to origins closer to home. The U.S. Department of Defense released the document on Thursday. It says it received 757 reports of what it calls “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP, in the 13 months through June 1. They came mainly from the United States, the Middle East, and East Asia. About 300 were found to be objects such as balloons, birds, or unmanned aerial systems. The department notes a rise in cases in which SpaceX Starlink satellites were mistakenly reported as UAP. But the document reveals nothing new about possible alien life.
(Sabrina Singh / U.S. Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary) “The department has discovered no verifiable evidence of extraterrestrial beings, activity or technology.”
The department says it'll continue analyzing the unresolved cases.

 ◆unidentified anomalous phenomena未確認異常現象  
 unmanned aerial systems 無人航空システム、つまり無人機
 ◆verifiable 検証可能な   
 extraterrestrial being 地球外の存在、地球外生命体 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/11)

2024年12月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32341.work one's tail off (一生懸命働く / 身を粉にして働く)
Yeah we worked our tails off today. Why don't we go grab a drink? 
32342.work diligently (熱心に取り組む / 一生懸命働く )
We are working diligently to solve this issue.
32343.hook up A to B(AをBに接続する)a temporary connection between two pieces of equipment such as computers, or between a piece of equipment and an electricity or water supply 
You need to hook the mic up to the speakers
32344.You look so familiar.(見覚えがある)
Don't I know you? You look really familiar. 
32345.my bad(ごめん)American English spoken informal used to say that you have made a mistake or that something is your fault
 Are you OK? My bad, man. I didn't mean to hurt you.