32186.barley(大麦)a plant that produces a grain used for making food or alcohol
Barley is used for everything from health food to beer and whiskey.
32187.home cooking(手作り料理 )
Barley is used for everything from health food to beer and whiskey.
32187.home cooking(手作り料理 )
When I travel, what I miss most is my wife’s home cooking.
32188.midnight snack(夜食)
Midnight snacks need to be light, so they don’t keep you awake.
32189.maitre d’(給仕長)tsomeone who is in charge of a restaurant, and who welcomes guests, gives orders to the waiters etc
The maitre’ d controls who gets in and who sits where
33190.Iadle(ひしゃく)a large deep spoon with a long handle, used for lifting liquid food, especially soup, out of a container
The maitre’ d controls who gets in and who sits where
33190.Iadle(ひしゃく)a large deep spoon with a long handle, used for lifting liquid food, especially soup, out of a container
A ladle is needed to serve fruit punch from the bowl.