32171.hip(腰)one of the two parts on each side of your body between the top of your leg and your waist
The doctor said to there are no problem with my hip now.
32172.croquette(コロッケ)a piece of crushed meat, fish, potato etc that is made into a small round piece, covered in breadcrumbs, and cooked in oil
The doctor said to there are no problem with my hip now.
32172.croquette(コロッケ)a piece of crushed meat, fish, potato etc that is made into a small round piece, covered in breadcrumbs, and cooked in oil
Beef and potato croquette.
32173.a minute ago(ちょっと前)
He was in the lobby a minute ago.
32174.ritual(儀式) a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious or social occasion → rite
It’s his weekend ritual.
33175.well mannered(行儀のよい、ていねいな、上品な)talking and behaving in a polite way
It’s his weekend ritual.
33175.well mannered(行儀のよい、ていねいな、上品な)talking and behaving in a polite way
He's usually very well mannered.