32246.open to change(変化に適応する)
We shoul become more adaptable and open to change.
32247.aquarium(水族館、(通例ガラス張りの)養魚槽) a clear glass or plastic container for fish and other water animals / a building where people go to look at fish and other water animals
We shoul become more adaptable and open to change.
32247.aquarium(水族館、(通例ガラス張りの)養魚槽) a clear glass or plastic container for fish and other water animals / a building where people go to look at fish and other water animals
I love medaka, I have a large aquarium.
32248.conservative(保守的) not liking changes or new ideas
My parents are very traditinal,and they always vote for conservative politicians.
32249.fracture(骨折)if a bone or other hard substance fractures, or if it is fractured, it breaks or cracks /a crack or broken part in a bone or other hard substance
Luckily,my fail didn't cause my fracture
32250.explicit(露骨な、明白な)expressed in a way that is very clear and direct → implicit
Luckily,my fail didn't cause my fracture
32250.explicit(露骨な、明白な)expressed in a way that is very clear and direct → implicit
My mom won't let me watch any movie an expicit content warinig.