


2017年02月09日 | 爺英語

Michelle Obama has praised America's diversity in her final speech as first lady at the White House.

(Michelle Obama / U.S. First Lady)
"If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition ― the infusion of new cultures, talents and ideas, generation after generation. That has made us the greatest country on earth."

She also said that with a lot of hard work and a good education, anything is possible, even becoming president.
The speech is seen as a rebuke of Trump, who has repeatedly made remarks disparaging immigrants and Muslims.

infusion 注入
hard work 勤勉、努力
rebuke 非難
repeatedly たびたび、繰り返し
disparage けなす、見くびる
Muslims イスラム教徒

Daily Vocabulary(2017/02/09)

2017年02月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
19356.live from paycheck to paycheck(ギリギリの生活をする)
I am living from paycheck to paycheck.
19357.swing by(立ち寄る)
I'll swing by and pick it up.
19358.at a bad time(都合の悪い時に)
You caught me at a bad time.
19359.relive one's days(あの時代を生きる)
I wish we could turn back time and relive our days together there.
19360.in a heartbeat(今すぐにでも)
I'd do it in a heartbeat.

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