

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/26)

2024年09月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32966.make a fresh start(気持ちを切替る)when you start something again in a completely new and different way after being unsuccessful 
Forget the past and make a fresh start . Things will get better..
32967.chin up(元気出して )an exercise in which you hang on a bar and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar 類義語 pull-up 
Tomorrow, you're chairing a seminar. You've got this. Keep your chine up
32968.stay positive(前向きに)if you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think about what is good in a situation rather than what is bad OPP negative 
 The qualification exam is next week. Stay positive and believe in yourself!.
32969.clear up(疑問や問題を解決する) to explain or solve something, or make it easier to understand 
 We are able to clear up the misunderstanding between us.
Incorporate stories or real-life examples to make your points memorable and relatable.