Japanese animation master Miyazaki Hayao has won this year's Ramon Magsaysay Award, also known as “Asia's Nobel Prize.” The Studio Ghibli co-founder is being recognized not only for his filmmaking but for what they say is his lifelong commitment to illuminating the human condition and inspiring the imagination of children. The foundation praises Miyazaki for tackling complicated topics like environmental protection, peace advocacy, and women's rights. It credits the director for using his art to make these issues comprehensible to children. Miyazaki's films often feature children and female characters who confront challenges. His works are also known for their deep respect for nature and profound warnings against human arrogance. The Ramon Magsaysay Award is given every year to individuals and groups for tackling challenges in Asia.
◆praise 称賛する to say that you admire and approve of someone or something, especially publicly OPP criticize
◆advocacy 推進、擁護、主張 public support for a course of action or way of doing things
◆arrogance 傲慢な、横柄な、思い上がった when someone behaves in a rude way because they think they are very important