

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/14)

2024年08月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32751.reminder (思い出させる人、(思い出させるための)注意、合図、催促状 )something that makes you notice, remember, or think about something /something, for example a letter, that reminds you to do something which you might have forgotten 
This is a reminder.
32752.moving(動く、動いている、移動する、動かす、推進する、引っ越しの、感動させる、哀れな )making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy 
The documentary was do moving
32753.lively(元気な、活発な、陽気な、にぎやかな、活気のある、(…で)活気があって、にぎわって、強い、激しい、鮮やかな )someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active 
 The book-signing event wasn't very lively..
32754.feel sorry for  (可哀そう) 
 I fee sorry  for him
32755.cheer (応援する)  a shout of happiness, praise, approval, or encouragement OPP boo 
Everyone is cheering for the gymnast from Japan.. 

