

Daily Vocabulary(2014/10/17)

2014年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
15336.express misgivings about(~について懸念を表明する)
I remember people expressing misgivings about newfangled things like online shopping and social media.
15337.give something a second thought(物事に二の足を踏む)
Of course, no one give them a second thought.
15338.interact with(~と交流する、~と関係を保つ)
I've heard that for some people, interact with starngers is a big part of the attraction.
15339.stay on top of(~に通じている、~を完全に掌握している)
What can companies do to stay on top of this trend and avoid being tossed onto historical scrapheap?
15340.newfangled(新しがりの; 最新式の,流行の)
She buys all these newfangled machines and never uses them.
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