

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/22)

2019年09月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
24076.nothing but (~だけ、しか) only 
I don't like being around Alex. He does nothing but complain. 
24077. I've heard nothing but good things about you. (良い噂を伺っています )
Nice to meet you, Adam. I've heard nothing but great things about you.
24078.make the most of (〜を最大限に活用する )to gain the greatest possible advantage from something 
College days go by in a blink of an eye. Make the most of it! 
24079.just in case(念のため) as a way of being safe from something that might happen or might be true 
Just in case, could you double-check?.
24080.demonstrate(実演する)to show or prove something clearly 
The salesman demonstrate how to use the grater.

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2019年09月21日 | 読書日記



Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/21)

2019年09月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
24071.put forward(提案する )  to suggest a plan, proposal, idea etc for other people to consider or discuss 類義語 propose  
We were able to put forward some powerful arguments.
24072.person in charge(担当者)in a way that improves the situation 
The person in charge is currently not present.
24073.Thank you for your prompt reply. (早速のご返信ありがとうございます )
Thank you for your prompt reply.
24074.seize(~を差し押さえる、掴む)impossible or unable to move from a particular position 
The autorities seized all of the corrupt politician's assets.
He has been discipined three times for arriving late ate work.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/20)

2019年09月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
24066.Let's say (例えば〜としましょう  ) 
Let's say it rains on Saturday. Do you have a backup plan?
24067.Let's say around 6 (6時ごろにしましょうか? )
 Let's say around 7. Does that work for you?
24068.Can you give me a better price? (負けてください )
That's a little high. Can you give me a better price?
24069.Can you lower the price?  (負けてください) 
That's a little pricey.Ca n you lower the price? 
I think you should start by carrying out market survey.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/19)

2019年09月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
24061.migrate(移住する )  if people migrate, they go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work → emigrate 
The family migrated to California in the 1930s.
24062.overtake(~を追い越す、~を上回る)to go past a moving vehicle or person because you are going faster than them and want to get in front of them 
I waited for a chance to overtake the car infront of me.
24063.beam(にこやかに微笑む、光線 )to smile very happily   a line of light shining from the sun, a lamp etc 
Mr.Johnes beamed at his coworkers when they gave hm the retirement gift.
24064.litter(散らかる、ゴミ) waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
After the party the room was littered with paper cups.
24065.flock(群がる、群れ) a group of sheep, goats, or birds 
People flocked to the opening of the new department store.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年09月18日 | 爺英語

A major three-day conference on Africa's economic and social development has come to a close here in Japan with leaders and representatives adopting the "Yokohama Declaration."
The final declaration touched on harnessing the power of private sector investments to boost economic and social growth in Africa. It also says it will step up training programs for young African engineers.
In the document, leaders also made a veiled reference to China's lending practices on the continent. It vows to strive towards a free, fair, and transparent investment environment. That's something critics say China's initiatives are lacking.
For the first time, the declaration mentions maritime security cooperation between Japan and Africa in the Indo-Pacific. China has been stepping up its maritime activities in the region.
The Yokohama Declaration also pledges to continue fighting infectious diseases by investing more in health initiatives.

harness  活用する    to control and use the natural force or power of something   
step up  拡充する、強化する   to increase the amount of an activity or the speed of a process in order to improve a situation  
veiled えん曲的な、遠回しな      a veiled threat, warning, attack, reference etc is expressed so that its exact meaning is hidden or unclear 
critic 批判する人、反対者     
initiative 戦略、事業、構想      
maritime  海洋の  relating to the sea or ships 類義語 marine 
infectious diseases 伝染病      

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/18)

2019年09月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
24056.storm(激しい勢いで突進する、嵐、暴風) to suddenly attack and enter a place using a lot of force  a period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and often lightning 
The soldiers stormed into the village just after sunrise.
Gasoline prices have been raised in order to offset the higher cost of oil
24058.counter(~に反対する、反論する )
I tried to explain the drawbacks but he countered that it was a good plan.
I spotted my sister in the back raw of the movie theater.
The police are still trying to identify the body fouded on the mountain..

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第十二段

2019年09月17日 | 徒然草を読む






Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/17)

2019年09月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
24051.fade away (徐々になくなる  ) to lose colour and brightness, or to make something do this 
Memories fade away overtime. That’s why I take a lot of pictures.
24052. Let’s say (例えば〜としましょう )
Let’s say money is no object. What career would you pursue?
24053.six feet under (死んでいる  )
If you keep living that kind of lifestyle you’re going to end up six feet under.
24054.middle-aged(中年)between the ages of about 40 and 60 
He is a middle-aged Japanese man.
24055.drowsy(眠い、眠気を催す) tired and almost asleep 類義語 sleepy 
It was warm in the room and I started to feel drowsy.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/16)

2019年09月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
24046.feel dizzy (目まいがする ) feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are looking down from a high place or because you are ill 
 I feel a little dizzy. I need to sit down for a second.
24047.lightheaded (立ち眩み )unable to think clearly or move steadily, for example during a fever or after drinking alcohol 類義語 dizzy 
I think there's something wrong with me. I feel lightheaded.
24048.freak out (パニクる/ あたふたする/ ビビる  )to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid 
He’s freaking out because he lost his passport.
24049.function (機能する )to work in the correct or intended way 類義語 operate 
I’m feeling under the weather. I feel sluggish and I can’t function at all.
24050.Let oneself go  (自由に振る舞う )
Stop worrying about others and just let yourself go.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/15)

2019年09月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
24041.get split up(はぐれる )
 We got split up in the zoo .
24042.an early bird (朝型タイプの人 / 早起きする人 )
Wow, you are an early bird!
24043.a night owl (夜型タイプの人 / 夜更かしする人  )
 You're such a night owl. I'm the complete opposite. I'm in bed before ten.
24044.hands down (間違いない / 断然 ) 
This is hands down the best sushi restaurant.
24045.by far (間違いない / 断然 )
That was by far the hardest test I've ever taken. I couldn't even finish the test.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News