32241.ripple(ざわめく; さざなみのように伝わる[広がる])to move in small waves, or to make something move in this way
The impact could ripple through the entire group.
32242.gravity(重大さ、容易ならぬこと、(罪・病気などの)容易ならぬこと、重さ、まじめさ、真剣さ、厳粛、沈着、地球引力、重力 )the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation
The impact could ripple through the entire group.
32242.gravity(重大さ、容易ならぬこと、(罪・病気などの)容易ならぬこと、重さ、まじめさ、真剣さ、厳粛、沈着、地球引力、重力 )the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation
Because the understanding the gravity of the situation.
32243.rule out to decide that something is not possible or suitable
We can't rule out the kind of possibility.
a job or piece of work that involves two or more people working together to achieve something
This is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively, working closely with your team
32245.relevant(関連した) directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered OPP irrelevant
This is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively, working closely with your team
32245.relevant(関連した) directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered OPP irrelevant
Could you fill in the relevant secyion and return it to me by Friday 17?
Japanese electronics maker Funai Electric received court approval Thursday to begin bankruptcy proceedings. The money-losing company was once known for selling its products around the world. The Osaka-based company was established in 1961 and has made TVs, videotape players, printers, air conditioners, and other products. In 2000, the firm was listed on the former first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The company's website says it began manufacturing liquid crystal display TVs in 2002, and the products once had a top share in the North American market. But its business deteriorated amid increased competition with Chinese makers and other rivals. In 2021, the company went under the umbrella of a Tokyo-based publishing firm and was delisted. Funai reported a net loss of 13.1 billion yen, or about 86 million dollars for the year ending March 2024 in an August statement. Total liabilities stood at 46.1 billion yen, or over 303 million dollars.
◆money-losing 損失を出している、採算の取れない、赤字
◆deteriorate 悪化する、低下する to become worse
◆go under the umbrella of ~の傘下に入る
◆delist 上場廃止にする to remove the name of a company from a stock exchange list, so that its stocks, shares etc can no longer be traded there
32236.bonfire(焚火)a large outdoor fire, either for burning waste or for a party
In Ireland, a lot of people make a bonfire om New Year’s Eve.
32237.big news story(ビッグニュース )
In Ireland, a lot of people make a bonfire om New Year’s Eve.
32237.big news story(ビッグニュース )
What is the big news story inJapan these days?
32238.current assets(流動資産)
Is there ant reason you've omitted the details surrounding current assets on the balance sheet?
32239.add up (会計の数字が合う)if sums, numbers etc do not add up, there is a mistake in them
Our inventory isn't add up.
32240.actual expenses(実際の支出)
Our inventory isn't add up.
32240.actual expenses(実際の支出)
The budget and actual expenses are not adding.
あちらの国の人々は、これを聞いてもわかるまいと思われたが、この歌の内容を漢字でおおよその様子を書き表して、こちらの言葉を習得している人(通訳)に説明したら、歌の心を理解することができたのだろうか。大変意外なことにこの歌を称賛したそうだ。唐と日本とは言葉は違うが、月の光は同じはずだから、人の心も同じなのだろう。 さて、今その昔を思いやって、ある人の詠んだ歌は、 みやこにて… (都で山の稜線に出たり入ったりしているのを見た月だけど、ここでは波から出て波に入っていくのだよ) |
32231.good read(読み応えのある)something that you enjoy reading
I finished this book in one day. It was a great read! .
32232.blow someone away(〜を驚かせる )
I finished this book in one day. It was a great read! .
32232.blow someone away(〜を驚かせる )
The beautiful view from the top of Mt. Fuji blew us away.
32233.no easy(簡単ではない)used when saying that it is difficult to find a good way of dealing with a problem
Learning a new language is no easy task.
32234.read the room(場の空気を読む)
He didn’t read the room and kept joking when everyone was serious.
32235.to death(〜過ぎるほど)used to emphasize that a feeling or emotion is very strong
He didn’t read the room and kept joking when everyone was serious.
32235.to death(〜過ぎるほど)used to emphasize that a feeling or emotion is very strong
I’m worried to death about the test results.
32226.better half (恋人、配偶者、パートナー) used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner
When I’m feeling down, my better half always knows how to cheer me up.
32227.a little something(ちょっとしたもの)used when you are telling someone that you have bought them a present
When I’m feeling down, my better half always knows how to cheer me up.
32227.a little something(ちょっとしたもの)used when you are telling someone that you have bought them a present
This is a little something for always helping me out.
He’s been a little fussy these days because he’s teething.
32229.FOMO(Fear of missing out チャンスを逃すことへの恐怖心)feeling of anxiety or unhappiness you have because you think that other people are doing more exciting things than you are
He felt FOMO when his friends went on a trip without him.
32230.biased(物事や人に対して偏見や先入観を持っていること)unfairly preferring one person or group over another
He felt FOMO when his friends went on a trip without him.
32230.biased(物事や人に対して偏見や先入観を持っていること)unfairly preferring one person or group over another
He is biased towards MacBooks because he works for Apple.
32221.toothpick a very small pointed stick that you can use for removing bits of food that are stuck between your teeth
You can test to see if a cake is done baking using a toothpick.
32222.turnip(カブ )a large round pale yellow vegetable that grows under the ground, or the plant that produces it
You can test to see if a cake is done baking using a toothpick.
32222.turnip(カブ )a large round pale yellow vegetable that grows under the ground, or the plant that produces it
The smaller leaves of turnip greens are the least bitter.
32223.lift up(持ち上げる)
Use your legs not your back to lift up heavy items.
32224.saliva(唾液)the liquid that is produced naturally in your mouth 類義語 spit
When I see food I like, saliva builds in my mouth.
32225.pimple(にきび)a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
When I see food I like, saliva builds in my mouth.
32225.pimple(にきび)a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
The man has a pimple on his nose.
32216.predator(捕食者、略奪者、(金銭的また性的に)人を食いものにするやつ )a plant that produces a grain used for making food or alcohol
Some animals stay completely still when a predator is nearby..
32217.prey(獲物、被食者 ) an animal, bird etc that is hunted and eaten by another animal OPP predator
Some animals stay completely still when a predator is nearby..
32217.prey(獲物、被食者 ) an animal, bird etc that is hunted and eaten by another animal OPP predator
Not all predator are bigger than their prey.
Many nocturnal promotors have excellent eyesight.
32219.number(数量が~に達する)an amount of something that can be counted 類義語 quantity
Applicants for the job numbered is the hundreds.
32220.indefinitely(無期限に)for a period of time for which no definite end has been arranged
Applicants for the job numbered is the hundreds.
32220.indefinitely(無期限に)for a period of time for which no definite end has been arranged
The zoo decided to postpone its opening indefinitely
32211.sensitive(理に適った)able to understand other people’s feelings and problems OPP insensitive
It is sensitive to be polite whennver possible.
32212.preempt(先手を打つ )to make what someone else has planned to do or say unnecessary, impossible, or ineffective by doing or saying something first
It is sensitive to be polite whennver possible.
32212.preempt(先手を打つ )to make what someone else has planned to do or say unnecessary, impossible, or ineffective by doing or saying something first
We chose to preempt potential questions during the presentation.
32213.reveal to show something that was previously hidden OPP conceal
Good magician never reveal their secret.
32214.spoiler(ネタバレ) a message or report that is intended to ruin the surprising part of a popular film, book etc by telling people about the surprise before they see or read it
Spoiler alert: the villain is actually the hero's father.
32215.tip(内密の情報、有益なヒント)a helpful piece of advice
Spoiler alert: the villain is actually the hero's father.
32215.tip(内密の情報、有益なヒント)a helpful piece of advice
The police are looking for tips to help identify the suspect.
32206.too bad(残念) used to say that you are sorry that something bad has happened to someone
Too bad we can’t see the mountains.
32207.Looks like(どうやら)
Too bad we can’t see the mountains.
32207.Looks like(どうやら)
Looks like the president id in trouble.
32208.good weather for(~日より)
Looks like good weather for a walk today.
32209.full speed ahead(全速力で、全力で)doing something with as much energy and effort as possible
We’re advancing full speed ahead to complete the ambitious task.
32210.get fired up(気合を入れる)
We’re advancing full speed ahead to complete the ambitious task.
32210.get fired up(気合を入れる)
Startibg today, let's get fired up for the shareholders' meeting
Some companies in Japan are promising pay increases higher than Rengo's goal. They've announced their offers well ahead of the next spring negotiations in an attempt to retain current workers and attract new hires. Nojima runs a home-appliance retail chain. It plans to raise its base wages in January for the third year in a row for its workforce of around 3,000. Employees at stores and call centers can expect an additional monthly allowance of up to 25,000 yen, or about 167 dollars, starting in April. That works out to a total raise of around 7 percent. Suntory Holdings has announced a hike of similar scale for next spring. It would be the third year in a row for the beverage maker to give raises. Attention is focused on whether other major firms will follow suit. The trend may also spread to small and medium-sized firms, where pay raises have tended to be relatively small.
◆hike(大幅な)引き上げ a large increase in prices, wages, taxes etc 類義語 rise
◆follow suit 後に続く、先例にならう、追随する、同じ措置を講じる to do the same as someone else has done there are so few of them