

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/23)

2024年12月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32401.You are cutting it close (ぎりぎりじゃん )
You’re not done with the report yet? You’re cutting it really close
32402.bittersweet(切ない)feelings, memories, or experiences that are bittersweet are happy and sad at the same time 
It’s bittersweet to say goodbye to old friends. 
32403.know a lot of people (顔が広い)
He knows a lot of people in the industry. 
32404.so-called (いわゆる)used to describe someone or something that has been given a name that you think is wrong
Her so-called friends didn’t help her when she needed it. 
32405.critical (重大 / 批評的 / 危機)if you are critical, you criticize someone or something / something that is critical is very important because what happens in the future depends on it 類義語 crucial 
He made a critical mistake. He might get fired over it. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/22)

2024年12月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32396.respondent(回答者 )someone who answers questions, especially in a survey 
There were only six respondents to the survey we conducted.
32397.opt(選ぶ、選択する)to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another 
I'm glad I didn't opt for fish dinner on the flight.
32398.optimal(最低な、最善の )the best or most suitable 類義語 optimum
What is the optimal length of a nap?
Zunda-mochi is a famous Sendai delicacy mad of edamama.
32400.archipelago(群島、多島海、(ギリシャ付近の)多島海)a group of small islands 
The worlds largest archipelago in size is Indonesia.

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/21)

2024年12月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32391.ache(継続的な鈍い痛みif part of your body aches, you feel a continuous, but not very sharp pain there 類義語 hurt 
When you get older, it seems like you get new aches and pains every week
32392.throb(ズキズキする、ドキドキする、鼓動する)if a part of your body throbs, you have a feeling of pain in it that regularly starts and stops 
When I sat down to take the rest, my head started to throb.
32393.chronic(慣性の、常習的な )a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured → acute 
I have been suffering from chronic back pain for years. 
32394.meat bun(肉まん)the period of time between two events, activities etc 
The first thing I do in Chinatown is buy a meat bun from a street vendor.
32395.casserole (蒸し焼きなべ、なべ焼き料理、カセロール )
A casserole is kind of like a baked stew.

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/20)

2024年12月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32386.pay homage to~に敬意を表する)
It would just just pay homage to the country’s cultural symbolism but also unveil a distinct and elegant flavor profile.
32387.It goes without saying(~は言うまでもない)
It goes without saying that we should add a bit of matcha flavor.
32388.roasted soybean flour,roasted soybean powder(黄な粉)
How about exploring unique featuring kinako powder?
32389.from my understanding(私の理解では)
From my understanding, the product launch has been postponed.
32390.sit back(深く座る、傍観する、(ひと仕事した後で)くつろぐ、引っ込んでいる)to get into a comfortable position, for example in a chair, and relax / to relax and make no effort to get involved in something or influence what happens 
 I will cook dinner for us both, just sit back and relax. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/19)

2024年12月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
32381.uppercase大文字)letters written in capitals (A, B, C) rather than in small form (a, b, c)  =capital letters, in caps
Those are all uppercase.
32382.lowercase(小文字) letters in their small forms, such as a, b, c etc OPP upper case → capital 
Isn't it amazing that they can land unmanned spacecraft on Mars.
32383.storage(貯蔵、保管、倉庫(保管)、倉庫の収容力、保管料、記憶装置) the way that information is kept on a computer 
This hard drive is almost empty. It say nine hundred gigabytes of storage. 
She wants to showcase African–American literature. 
Her books are infused with humor and wisdom. 


2024年12月18日 | 爺英語

An international team led by a Japanese researcher says it has developed a new type of plastic that breaks down in seawater. It says the material is durable and recyclable and can help reduce pollution by keeping microplastics out of the oceans. Aida Takuzo at the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science heads the team. It published its results in the U.S. journal Science on Friday. The researchers sought to develop a material to replace conventional plastics made from fossil fuels. They say their new type of plastic is colorless and transparent and has the same strength and thermal resistance as polypropylene. They call the new material supramolecular plastic – “polymers with structures held together by reversible interactions.” They made the substance by combining two ionic monomers, one of which is a common food additive. The plastic's main ingredients can both be broken down by bacteria.

 ◆journal (専門分野の)学術誌、刊行物  
 fossil fuel 化石燃料 
 ◆thermal resistance 耐熱性 
 supramolecular 地球外の存在、地球外生命体 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/18)

2024年12月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
32376.power(電源)electricity that is used in houses, factories etc 
The power is not on yet.
32377.power code(電源コード)an unmanned spacecraft does not have a person inside it 
The power cord is still in the box.
32378.outlet(コンセント)American English a place on a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the supply of electricity 類義語 power point British English 
Just plug it in outlet. 
Why is that light blinking.
32380.plug in(プラグに差し込む )to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment 
The power cord is not plugged in

海賊の恐怖 2

2024年12月17日 | 土佐日記




Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/17)

2024年12月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
32371.good value for the money (コスパが良い )
You should get this. It’s good value for the money. 
32372.put up with (我慢する)to accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining 
Isn't it amazing that they can land unmanned spacecraft on Mars.
32373.deal with ((我慢して)対処する・受け入れる ) to succeed in controlling your feelings about an emotional problem so that it does not affect your life 類義語 cope with 
We are short-staffed right now. I don't want to work late but I have to deal with it. 
32374.patient (じっと我慢する・忍耐強い)able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept difficulties, people’s annoying behaviour etc without becoming angry OPP impatient 
It takes time to become a good English speaker. You just have to be patient. 
32375.good old days (古き良き時代)the good times in the past 
When I was in college, we would often get together at our friend’s house and chat all night long. Those were the good old days

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/16)

2024年12月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
32366.nice and ~(いい感じに~だ)
Ahh, it’s nice and warm in here. 
32367.terrible twos(イヤイヤ期 )
My daughter is going through the terrible twos
32368.brag (自慢する) to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc – used to show disapproval 類義語 boast 
He brags that he will soon be richer than us all. 
32369.There is always room for dessert. (デザートは別腹 )
No matter how full I am, I always have room for ice cream
32370.I feel off(調子がいまいち、違和感を覚える)
I’m feeling off today. I’ve been out of it all day. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/15)

2024年12月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32361.vice versa(逆に、逆またしかりused to say that the opposite of a situation you have just described is also true 
She thinks he's wrong  and vice versa.
32362.back and forth(行ったり来たりして、前後に)going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 
Mary rocked back and forth in the chair, putting her baby to sleep.
32363.antibiotic (抗生物質)a drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections 
The infection improved when she started taking an antibiotic
32364.adhesive bandage(弾力包帯、粘着包帯)
The nurse put too much adhesive bandage on my leg 
32365.anteater  (アリクイ)an animal that has a very long nose and eats small insects 
 Anteaters feed on ants. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/14)

2024年12月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32356.icy氷に覆われて、ひどく冷えて、冷淡な )extremely cold 類義語 frosty/covered in ice  
The literal translation of this ward is "cat tongue".
32357.frostbite(凍傷、霜焼)a condition caused by extreme cold, that makes your fingers and toes swell, become darker, and sometimes fall off 
I almost. get frostbite out there in the  icy temperature
32358.rescue (救助、救出)a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction 
When I started to slip on the icy sidewalk, Nan to Paris, I had trouble with the language barrier. 
32359.upside down(さかさまに、さかさまの) with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top 
The last picture in the slideshow was upside down.
32360.inside out(裏返しに)with the usual outside parts on the inside 
I had no idea my socks were on inside out.