

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/03)

2025年03月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
32746.Can you spot me? (立て替えてくれますか? ) 
Do you think you can spot me? I’m out of cash. 
 32747.periodically (定期的に)happening a number of times, usually at regular times 
 I don't see him much but we email each other periodically
32748.normal / ordinary / average / plainly (普通)
I did nothing. It was an ordinary day like any other day. 
32749.make sure (確かめる、確認する、確実にする、必ず )to find out if something is true or to check that something has been done /to do something so that you can be certain of the result / Yes. Please make sure to keep a distance while waiting inside. 
Yes. Please make sure to keep a distance while waiting inside. 
32750.I think I’ll pass (this time) (遠慮しておくよ) 
I’d love to join you guys for dinner tonight but I think I’ll pass this time

