愛のメモリー / 松崎しげる
22331.go back to(~に帰る)
I always go back to my home town.
22332.brag(自慢する / 自慢げに話す)
I can't stand being around him. All he does is brag.
22333.boast(自慢する / 豪語する / 誇らしげに話す)
Your father always boasts about you. He's very proud of you.
I like to squeeze out some toothpaste on the toothbrush
22335.holiday season(年末年始の休暇)
Due to the New Year's holiday season, we will close from December 30 to January 3.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I always go back to my home town.
22332.brag(自慢する / 自慢げに話す)
I can't stand being around him. All he does is brag.
22333.boast(自慢する / 豪語する / 誇らしげに話す)
Your father always boasts about you. He's very proud of you.
I like to squeeze out some toothpaste on the toothbrush
22335.holiday season(年末年始の休暇)
Due to the New Year's holiday season, we will close from December 30 to January 3.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News