

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/26)

2019年12月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
24541.warm and spontaneous(暖かくて自然に出た)
It wasn't forced or fake. It was warm and spontaneous.
24542.Not really(どうでもないさ)
Not really.It's all cooks down.
24543.reservoir(貯水池)a lake, especially an artificial one, where water is stored before it is supplied to people’s houses 
There isn't much water left in the reservoir.
24544.Jump in (会話に加わる・割り込む)to interrupt someone or suddenly join a conversation   
Don’t worry about coming off rude. Just jump in whenever you want and share your thoughts 
24545.ashamed ((自分に対して)恥ずかしい)feeling very sorry and embarrassed because of something you have done   
I'm ashamed to say that I lost all my money .

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