

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/08)

2019年12月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
24451.It's still up in the air (まだ未定です ) 
It's still up in the air. I'm thinking about going to a Giants game. 
24452.handle to do the things that are necessary to complete a job 
I'm sure you can handle it..
24453.have something(nothing) in common (共通点がある(ない))
I'm having a hard time connecting with Peter. We have nothing in common
24454.You look so familiar (見覚えがあるのですが )   
You look familiar. Have we met before?
24455.horrendous(恐ろしい、ものすごい)frightening and terrible 類義語 horrific 
The Christmas season is a horrendous for the sales stuffs, but fantastic for sale. 

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