

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/12)

2024年05月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
32281.beat fast (心臓がドキドキする )
My heart is beating fast.
32282.in a whisper (ひそひそ)
They were talking in a whisper
32283.fluffy(ふわふわ)very light and soft to touch 
Look at the fluffy little kitten.
32284.smart (信頼し合う関係、心が通じ合うこと)to be upset because someone has hurt your feelings or offended you / if a part of your body smarts, it hurts with a stinging pain 
 My eyes were smarting with the smoke. 
32285.cheerful (うきうきする )something that is cheerful makes you feel happy because it is so bright or pleasant 
I used to feel cheerful when it snowed.