

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/04)

2024年05月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32241.off the wall (突拍子もない、風変わりな)very strange or unusual, often in an amusing way 
Some modern art is really off the wall.
32242.go by (通りすぎる、経過する) if time goes by, it passes 
As times goes by, I realize how short is life. 
32243.come by(立ち寄る)
Mom, is it OK if my friends come by after school?
32244.sit by (傍観する、黙って様子を見る)to allow something wrong or illegal to happen without doing anything about it 
 We can just sit by while climate change destroy the planet.
32245.run~by (意見を聞くために説明する )
SI’d like to run an unusual ideas by you.