

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/26)

2024年05月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32351.procurement cost(調達コスト)the act of ordering and buying the equipment, supplies, services etc needed by a company or other organization 
As the recent increase in procurement costs has impacted our profits.
32352.kind of (どことなく、少し、ちょっと)slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of 
It kind of looks like a mouse with along tail,right.
32353.bad news(厄介者、危険人物)someone or something that always causes trouble 
I’d avoid her if I were you. She’s bad news
32354.throw out  (処分する、廃棄する )to get rid of something that you do not want or need 
 It is so hard for some people to throw things out. 
32355.sunlight  (太陽の光、日光)natural light that comes from the sun 
You need to store these skincare products out of direct sunlight..