32326.bloom (開花する、開花)if a plant or a flower blooms, its flowers appear or open
Daffodils are in full bloom in the park. Let’s go see them this weekend.
32327.blossom (花、開花)a flower or the flowers on a tree or bush / if trees blossom, they produce flowers
Daffodils are in full bloom in the park. Let’s go see them this weekend.
32327.blossom (花、開花)a flower or the flowers on a tree or bush / if trees blossom, they produce flowers
With hard work and dedication, your small idea can blossom into a successful business.
32328.develop (能力が開花する、文化が開花する )
She has developed her musical talent and has grown into a great artist.
32329.flourish (繫栄する、栄える )to develop well and be successful 類義語 thrive
During the period of national isolation, Japan’s unique culture developed and flourished.
32330.run late (遅れる )hto arrive, go somewhere, or do something late, early, or at the right time
During the period of national isolation, Japan’s unique culture developed and flourished.
32330.run late (遅れる )hto arrive, go somewhere, or do something late, early, or at the right time
Are you going to be on time or are you running late? .