32341.rail pass (一定金額を支払うと乗り放題になるもの )
You have a rail pass.
32342.active at night (夜行性)
You have a rail pass.
32342.active at night (夜行性)
We don’t see kiwis very often because they are shy and active at night.
32343.sleep over(外泊する、ひと晩泊まる)to sleep at someone’s house for a night – used especially by children
My daughter Maria had a sleep over. So I was pretty busy with cooking.
32344.submission deadline (提出期限 )
I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday.
32345.apprehensive (不安な)worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future
I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday.
32345.apprehensive (不安な)worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future
You sound a bit apprehensive. If there any issues, let'e me know.