

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/09)

2024年06月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32421.low-key  (控えめな)not intended to attract a lot of attention to an event, subject, or thing 
I want to have a small, low-key wedding.
32422come across  (〜をたまたま見つける )to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance 
If you come across it, can you call me? 
32423.I’d love to ~ but ~ (そうしたいの山々ですが )
 I’d love to go but I’m a little tight on money right now. 
32424.Due to a prior commitment(先約があるので(行けません)  )
 Due to a prior commitment, I will not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow. 
32425.for good((これを最後に)永遠に  )permanently 
I'm moving to Japan for good