32451.classic (最高傑作 / 不朽の名作 )admired by many people, and having a value that has continued for a long time
I think “Sazaesan” is a classic Japanese manga.
32452.classic (典型的な〜 )having all the features that are typical or expected of a particular thing or situation
I think “Sazaesan” is a classic Japanese manga.
32452.classic (典型的な〜 )having all the features that are typical or expected of a particular thing or situation
It sounds like you have classic symptoms of the flu. You should go see a doctor.
32453.classic(最高だ! )of excellent quality
My friend thought the wasabi was Maccha ice cream and ate the whole thing. It was classic!
32454.classical(古典の )extremely excited or nervous about something
I’m not really into classical music.
32455.mean(意地悪 )cruel or not kind
I’m not really into classical music.
32455.mean(意地悪 )cruel or not kind
My boss is rude and mean. I can't stand him.