I read through the whole script, highlighting my line in yellow.
32492.convince(説得する、納得させる) to make someone feel certain that something is true
I read through the whole script, highlighting my line in yellow.
32492.convince(説得する、納得させる) to make someone feel certain that something is true
I finally convinced my mom to take me to see my favorite idol group.
32493.persuasive(説得力のある)able to make other people believe something or do what you ask → convincing
The salesperson was so persuasive that ended up buying two flying pans.
32494.tough sale (説得しがたいこと)extremely excited or nervous about something
Convicting your whole family to move to France?That'll be a tough sale.
32495.figure (図、図形)
Convicting your whole family to move to France?That'll be a tough sale.
32495.figure (図、図形)
I'm sorry. I can't find figure 5 in materials you gave out.