【英語】サウンド・オブ・ミュージック (The Sound of Music) (日本語字幕)
32016.appreciate(真価を認める / ~の良さが分かる)to understand how good or useful someone or something is
Sometimes you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone.
32017.shady(怪しい / いんちきな)probably dishonest or illegal 類義語 suspicious
Sometimes you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone.
32017.shady(怪しい / いんちきな)probably dishonest or illegal 類義語 suspicious
Do you think this place is legit? It seems kind of shady to me
32018.legit(合法の、ちゃんとした、もっともな、本格的 な、本物の ) legal or allowed by official rules/honest and not trying to deceive people
Don’t worry, the deal’s strictly legit.
32019.challenge(~は大変)difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way
My job is challenging but rewarding.
33020.I’m good(結構です・大丈夫です)
My job is challenging but rewarding.
33020.I’m good(結構です・大丈夫です)
I'm good. I need to get some work done tonight.