雪(♬ゆきやこんこあられやこんこ)byひまわり🌻歌詞付き|童謡 文部省唱歌|YUKI SNOW|
32066.execute(実行する)to do something that has been carefully planned 類義語 implement
The team ability to excecute the business plan?.
32067.produce results(成果を出す)
The team ability to excecute the business plan?.
32067.produce results(成果を出す)
Isn’t it too short to produce results for a new business?
32068.constraint(制約)something that limits your freedom to do what you want 類義語 restriction
If you have any scheduling constraints,please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.
32069.time slot(時間枠)
It’s great to have a time slot the works for everyone.
33070.set up a meeting(会議を設定する)to start a company, organization, committee etc 類義語 establish
It’s great to have a time slot the works for everyone.
33070.set up a meeting(会議を設定する)to start a company, organization, committee etc 類義語 establish
We should set up a meeting to brainstorm new marketing strategies.